Chapter 13

Seeing Britt freaking out in the car only made Nick feel worse than he already did. But at the same time, he didn’t feel like his request was that much to ask. After all, it wasn’t like she hadn’t done that in the past. He thought that giving her an offer like that she would see it as a way to fix things and to help.

Britt saw this as another way that Nick was trying to control her. Sure, she would love to meet up with him on some weekends, but not every weekend. She wanted to enjoy the college experience. How could she do that if she was gone every weekend?

Opening the car door, Nick got in and Britt quit yelling and crying. She gassed the car before Nick had even gotten the door shut. She was hauling ass down the street to her condo. Upon their arrival, Britt jumped out of the car and slammed the door and ran inside. Nick took his time, knowing that the impending argument was something that he didn’t feel the need to run to. He was glad to notice that Jordan’s car was gone so she wouldn’t be there to butt into this.

Nick walked into the condo and saw Britt sitting on the couch, her arms across her chest and her foot tapping furiously on the floor. He just looked at her. Noticing this, she simply said, “Talk.”

“What am I supposed to say Britt? You act like I am asking the world of you when all I want you to do is meet me on the weekends for 5 months and go someplace nice with me over Christmas. I thought that you would be happy,” Nick stated evenly.

Sighing, Britt replied, “Its not that you asked, its how you you expect it. I feel like I don’t get to make my own decisions, like you make them for me.”

“I just want us to be together, that’s all, and I saw that as a kinda compromise way to do it,” Nick said softly, “I know you get sick of hearing it but I miss you. You don’t know how hard the last 2 months were on me, being so far away in places that we have been together, I had to face it all alone. This was the hardest tour of my life because I didn’t have you with me. It sucked.”

“I miss you too, but you have to realize that I have a lot of responsibilities here too. You have been a big part of my life for a long time, and I don’t want that to change. But you are going to have to give me a little space.”

“So I guess that’s a no, you won’t meet me on tour,” Nick said sadly.

“It is not...its an ‘I don’t know’. I may have an exam, or something going on for school, maybe I will want to hang out with my friends. I can’t promise you every weekend but I will try to be there some weekends.”

Nick didn’t say a word. He just sat there looking down. Sensing his non-response meant disagreement, Britt got up and went into her room. Frustrated that she left, Nick walked toward her room, “I don’t know why you walked out in the middle of it, it wasn’t settled.”

Britt was changing, now she was down to her bra and panties, “Well you didn’t say anything, I just thought my answer wasn’t good enough as usual.”

“Can’t I think? Why do you always have to find a fight? This doesn’t have to be this way you know?” Nick said, slightly raising his voice.

“Oh...I find a fight, lets see here. I am not the ass who can’t even stand for his girlfriend not to be by his side for a minute. Grow some balls Nicky, you need to learn how to be self reliant,” Britt said loudly and extremely sarcastically as she reached into her drawer for a t-shirt. Nick grabbed her arm to stop her. “WHAT?”

He just looked at her, for the first time she noticed that she was standing in her bra and panties. Nick looked over her body like a possessed man, “I don’t wanna fight, I am so tired of it Britty.”

He dropped to his knees before her and rested his head on her bare stomach, wrapping his arms around her tiny waist. Instinctively, she wrapped her arms around him and began stroking his hair. “I don’t wanna fight either...why can’t we be happy like we used to be.”

“The thing that gets me the most is that you piss me off so much sometimes, and then, its like all of a sudden I just want you. Kinda like right now,” he whispered as he looked up at her and ran his fingertips barely underneath the outline of her panties.

This elicited a soft moan from Britt, “Nick, this doesn’t make our problems go away. We can’t keep doing this every time something goes wrong. We have to face it.”

Kissing her belly, Nick spoke between kisses, “Every time we talk about this we end up in a fight, so how about this...lets just quit fighting and make it easy on both of us.”

Moving down to her knees so they were facing eachother, she wrapped her arms around his neck and embraced him tightly, “Sounds like a plan, how do we do that?”

“Well, I will quit being such a jealous asshole and you try to make a little time for us, that‘s all I am asking of you. Lets just go with it and see what happens.”

“I really do want to spend time with you, you have to believe that. What if I promise to make it out at least twice a month?” Britt asked as she removed his shirt and started placing small kisses down his chest and stomach.

Moaning as she reached the waistline of his pants, Nick said, “That sounds fair, and we will change our game plan as we go if it isn’t working, ya know take things as they come. I promise to try hard.”

“Spanky, you are hard...” Britt said as she dropped his pants and looked him into the eyes.

“No, not like that...ugh...I mean I am going to be better. I promise you.”

“Me too, I promise to be a good little Kitty,” Britt said huskily as she started kissing down his chest again.

“OK...we have a deal,” Nick looked down and watched her tongue swirl around the tip of his erect penis, struggling to make a response, he finally choked out, “Lets make up.”

“My favorite part of fighting with you,” with that, Britt took him completely into her mouth.

The rest of the afternoon was spent “making up” as Nick liked to call it. Jordan came home a few hours later and heard the muffled noises coming from Britt’s bedroom. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, she did envy Britt for having someone like Nick, someone who loved her and did so many things for her. Although she was jealous, she was happy that her friend was in love and she knew deep down that Nick was a great guy, even if they did make a lot of noise.

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