Chapter 10

Britt finally tore herself away from Nick and forced him into the shower. She walked out of her bedroom wearing an oversized t-shirt that obviously belonged to Nick. She found Jordan sitting at the dining room table drinking a cup of coffee. Britt walked into the kitchen, got out two coffee mugs and began to pour them for her and Nick. “Hey Jordy, sleep well?”

“Well good morning to you too...and no, Kitty, I didn’t sleep well, something was keeping me up,” Jordan replied mischeviously.

“Kitty, where did you get that from?” Britt asked, trying not to be obvious.

“Oh come on Britt, you know as well as I do that that is what little ol’ Spanky likes to call you in the throws of passion.”

Laughing with her roommate, “I am sorry about last night, I wasn’t expecting him.”

“I know you weren’t, but I know you were wishing for him. How are things?”

Taking a seat across from Jordan at the table, Britt replied, “Actually, we haven’t really done too much talking, if you know what I mean.”

“Yeah yeah yeah, I knew you were wanting a piece of your boy...but don’t you think that you need to talk after all of the shit that has been going on?”

“We do, and we will...I just have to bring it at the right moment, he‘s sensitive. If I do it this way, ya know, give him a little loving first he won’t feel as threatened.”

Nodding in agreement, Jordan replied, “It is always good to have a game plan and anyways, you know you were wanting it too.”

“Hey, that is one area that Nicky and I have never had a problem,” Britt said as she noticed Nick walking out of her bedroom in his boxer shorts, his hair dripping wet as little drops of water could be seen on his smooth bare chest, “and there is my little stallion.”

Blushing, Nick said, “I should put something on.”

“Don’t worry about it Spanky, nothing I haven‘t seen before,” Jordan stated jokingly as the hue of Nick’s face went from pink to deep red.

“She needs to meet AJ...” Nick stated through his embarrassment.

“I have thought that myself,” Britt stated in agreement.

“AJ huh? There has always been something about initial names that give me the creeps. I think I will just stick to Tyler...Ryan...and maybe Ben for now thank you very much,” said Jordan.

Britt just laughed, knowing that her roommate was a bit of a player. This, however, Nick found shocking, “What do you mean Tyler, Ryan and Ben?”

“Nick, Jordan likes to date around...she thinks boyfriends are overrated.”

Nodding in understanding, Nick’s curiosity was peaking, “So what’s wrong with boyfriends? They do have benefits ya know?”

“Maybe in some cases...but in my experience, they are all jealous and try to hold you back,” Jordan said snidely.

Britt knew that Jordan was taking a shot at Nick, and it was obvious that he knew that from what he said next, “Well maybe a guy feels like he puts a lot into a relationship and maybe, just maybe you have given them a reason to doubt you.”

“Well, all I know is that I don’t want to deal with it. And, when a guy feels like he ‘puts a lot into a relationship’ as you say, it usually means he has dropped a few bucks on a girl, or the reason that they doubt the girl is because they have fucked up in the past. Do you know what I mean Nick?” Jordan stated.

Trying to stop this before it goes to far, Britt interjected, “Jordan, don’t you have a class right now?”

“No Britt, I don’t...and I think the reason that the little boyfriend isn’t saying anything is because he knows that he is exactly like what I am describing and -”

Jordan barely got that much out before Nick cut her off, “Since you are the expert, yeah, I do buy Britt a lot of things...but I do that because I want to and I can afford to. I don’t make a big deal about it and I don’t expect that alone to keep her happy. Isn’t that right Britt?”

Britt had walked over to the couch and buried her head into a pillow. She did not want to hear this and she didn’t respond to Nick, so Jordan took the chance to step in, “You are telling me that you don’t give Britt things for a reason, what about that nice little ride sitting in the driveway...kind of funny how that was given around the time that you started guilt tripping her about leaving for school but of course, you disguise it as a graduation present. I can’t wait to see what you gave her that time that you cheated on her -”

“STOP IT!!!” Nick and Jordan turned around to see Britt standing next to the sofa, tears flying from her eyes. Britt rarely raised her voice, they both knew that and Nick sat down at the table and sighed, covering his face with his hands. He was upset that Britt had told Jordan about that incident and the fact that she brought it up to begin with. He thought that they had put that behind them, that they had moved on since that happened over two years ago.

“I’m sorry Britt...its just that I can’t stand for him to sit here and judge me when I know that -”

“Jordan...don’t go there...look you two, I care about both of you but I am not going to do this,” Britt had calmed down and rationally, she continued, “Now, I am going to take a shower. Nick, you come in here with me and get yourself ready and Jordan, I understand where you are coming from...I do, but let us deal with this ourselves.”

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