A Faery-tale (Sort of)

"Alright, Nick, I'll see you later." I walked into my house and tossed my keys on the counter. I walked back to my room, yawning and pulling my shirt off. I got ready for bed and turned off the light. I fell asleep almost immediately.
I was awakened later by a loud thud. I opened my eyes and looked at the clock. 3 am. And there was a glow coming from the foot of my bed.

"What the hell?" I murmued, crawling out from under the covers and creeping to the edge of the bed. I looked down at the floor and saw a girl. She was sitting upright, brushing the sleeves of her breezy looking white dress off. A wreath of tiny rose buds and leaves intertwined with her long, wavy brown hair. But the strangest feature of all was her wings. Very delicate, shimmery white wings extended from her back, through they looked a little droopy. Everything on her shimmered, even her hair and nails. I blinked and shook my head.

"I swear I wasn't drinking or doing drugs," I muttered, closing my eyes. But when I opened them again, she was still there.

"Dear Lord..."

Suddenly she stood up and looked at me.


"Holy shit..." I fell off the bed then, because I was leaning too far forward. I found myself staring up at this... fairy. She stared back down at me, her head cocked curiously.

"Are you alright?"

I slowly stood up and nodded.

"Are... are you real?"

"Real compared to what?" She flicked a piece of grass off the bottom of her dress.

"Compared to me, to this bed."

"Wanna find out?"

I stared at her.

"Go ahead. You can touch them."

I reached forward and lightly touched one of her wings.

"Real enough?" she murmured, a smile touching her lips.

"Oh, man," I whispered. "What are you?"

"I'm a faery."

"A fairy?"

"Faery. With an E. Do you believe?"

"In what?"


"I believe in angels..."

"Close enough. Faeries can be considered tiny angels."

"But you're not tiny," I said. "No offense," I added quickly.

"Usually I'm this big," she said, seperating her fingertips about three inches.

"Why are you here?"

She gestured towards my bedside table, where a small candle was lit.

"The light. I need a place to rest until dawn."

"You can stay here..."


"Do you need anything?"

"Do you have any cake or bread?"

"Yeah, you want some?"

She nodded.

"Okay, c'mon."

She followed me out to the kitchen and I cut her a small piece of some poundcake I had for whatever reason.

"What's your name?"

"Mary. Well, it used to be Mary. Now I'm known as-" She gestured towards herself. "The glitter faery." She smiled. "I make people happy and put a twinkle in their eye. One of my many jobs."

I smiled back at her, noticing the color of her eyes. Kind of a golden brown with green flecks.

She finished her cake and I took the plate from her.

"You need anything else?"

"An hour of sleep before dawn."

"You want my room or the couch?"

"The couch is fine."

"If you don't mind my asking, how old are you?"

"How old do I look?"

"About... 30."

"Thanks. Actually, I'm 357."

"Damn, you look pretty good for 357."

She laughed. "Thanks."

"Well, good night, I guess."


I went back to my room and got in bed, wondering about her...

I woke up again at ten that morning. I didn't remember anything from the night before until I got out of bed and thought I saw the area of carpet at the foot of the bed still shimmering.

"Oh yeah," I murmured, walking out to the livingroom. There was no sign that she'd been out there. I frowned and went back to the bedroom. The shimmer on the carpet was gone.

There was a knock on the door and, frowning, I went to answer it. It was Kevin.

"You alright, Brian?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I stepped aside so he could come in.

"I called you and you didn't answer the phone."

"Musta slept through it..."

"I guess... what's that on your cheek? And your eyes look different."


"Look in the mirror."

I turned and looked in the hall mirror. My eyes were sparkly and there was glitter in the shape of a pair of lips on my cheek. I smiled.

"Just a bit of faery dust."


"Faery. With an E."
This story was written by: Mary. Visit her website.
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