Funny File Page
Here will post all of the little things I get sent to me through email or stuff I find randomly on the internet whilst surfing that I find amusing, interesting, puzzling or anything that brings a smile to my face. I will start collecting all of these little files ( or pictures ) and store them on this page for you to download... Please send anything you feel should be on this page to [email protected] and I will post it ( unless it isnt suitable of course ) I will start uploading stuff as soon as possible, possibly tomorrow Tuesday the 3rd.
Optical - This is pretty trippy, double click, watch the centre of the screen for 20 seconds, and then look at your hand...or any other non moving object.
Note some files are compressed into .zip files, so you need Winace or Winzip to uncompress them.
Here is Bob and Mark in 10 years!!
Goto Page 2!!
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