Thoughts on Time ...
What is time? To tell you the truth I have no idea. It is anti- or metaphysical. You cannot touch time, nor can you touch a deity(at least in most religons). It is not like wind, whereas you can feel it, but cannot see it. It is supposedly here, now, then, there, and someday, but we have no actual proof that it does in fact exist. A moment in the human psycie(sp?).

Do animals sense time? Do trees and other vegatative matter? Perhaps they do, but do not communicate it to us, thus making the human ego of self infatuation that much stronger. We are all powerful! Are we really? I venture to say not.

Perhaps other "things" actually have already unlocked the secrets of the universe, if there really is one. Using their incripted languages, possibly through "natural occurance," we "omnipotent" humans have been fooled, blinded.
think Truman Show
omnipotent = all powerful
Manipulating time effects our mood. Most humans like to be early to events, appointments, and other "things." A feeling of "taking care of business,"  being "prepared,"  and human strength [ego]. Can we really manipulate time? If it does exist, perhaps.

We can manipulate our preception of time. Simply adjusting our "time devices" for or aft of whatever the "given" standard time, will suffice in doing so. Your perception of what time it is has just been changed.
Setting a watch is easy. It changes your "perception" (as I have said about 10 times already). Setting a watch ahead gives one a "buffer," an illusion of time, of free time. The buffered time gives one a more relaxed feeling. They may be late one minute, but they already accounted for that, by the "buffer time." This time really was not gained or lost, nor where they really late, but the perception of what time it is and or was, has changed. It was thought that an occurance was going to happen at a perceved time, so allotments where made for that. When those allotments where miscalculated, as they usually tend to be, the buffer time helped them to continue to be on time. The feel of control and power remains.
Time manipulation has its negative attributes. It is alluded time. One is only fooling themself when they make and use  "buffer time." They are living or attempting to live ahead of others, when in fact they are not doing so. The buffer time doesn't actually exist, but more is an attempt to knowingly fool oneself into believe they are late or short on time. This is done because they are horrible time managers. One must "trick" their feeble minds into thinking they are late, to insure that they will be generaly puntual. It is a false sense, little more.

Feigned time also allows for much wasted "time," more accurately prolonging of actions which can be done in a much more efficent manner. The time manipulators are constanting attempting to calculate what time it really is, thus forgoing the positive effects of time manipulation in the beginning. They are wasting the "real" time which they worked so hard to spare.. Rather pointless, and utterly rediculus.
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