The Fella's ... Who we are.
Pretty much, "what we are" is a group of friends. We often meet at Mason's house. Hmm, we pretty much ALWAYS meet there. I guess I can put some history of "us" here.
"The Fella's" was pretty much- realitivly started by me. It was more of an organizing venture of my part. What I did was became friends with Mason and what I call the "Mason Clique". I slowly merged those in the mason clique with my friends, who I felt would coincide(I know I need a better word... maybe later), with his group.
Mason clique -> lunch clique of soph year..
Who we are...
if you look in the Webster's new collegiate dictonary Copyright 1976, pp.472 ... you will see the definition of gang (3rd) is : a group of persons having informal and usu. close social relations.
Like I said, we are a group of friends. We are much like a "gang." (definition suits us... very informal). Though some may not realize it, we do have limited enrollment. Not just everyone can join. If you have similar ideas and ideals, and we like ya, we may consider you joining. That isn't the only part of it. That is not hte only part of it. A new member can't make an old member feel uncomfortable or out of place. So as the group gets larger it becomes harder for new people to "come into" the Fellas.
The Place...
The name...
That too would be my responciblity. To make a short story even shorter... during my sophamore year of high school, I used to greet Mason and Chad - intragal parts of the "Mason Clique" - with "What's up fellas?" The name thus stuck, with me being the "Fella."
Thanks to Mr. Robert and Mrs. Phil's generosity, we usually always meet at Masons house. It is a pretty logical place too. Since Mason was a founding member and the fact he doesn't like leaving his house (just kidding mace :-) we meet at his house. The Gary abode happens to be a pretty centralized place for everyone. Everyone, but myself lives within 5 minutes of his house - I guess i am the odd ball at approximatly 17 minutes.
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