You might be from Louisiana if.....
You start an angel food cake with a roux.

Watching "Wild Kingdom" inspires you to write a cookbook.

You think the former head of the United Nations is Boudreaux-Boudreaux-Guillory.

You think a lobster is a crawfish on steroids.

You think boudin, hogshead cheese, and a Miller Lite is a bland diet.

You think Ground Hog Day and the "La Bousherie" Festival are the same holiday.

You take a bite of five-alarm chili and reach for the Tabasco.

Fred's Lounge in Mamou means more to you than the Grand Ole Opry.

You have an "envie" for something instead of a craving.

You use a "#3" washtub to cover your lawn mower or your outboard motor.

You use two or more pirogues to cover your tomatoes to protect them from the late frost.

You use a gill net to play tennis, badmiton, or volleyball.

The horsepower of your outboard motor is greater than that of your car motor.

You pass up a trip abroad to go to the Crawfish Festival in Breaux Bridge.

Your favorite talk show host is "Okra Winfree."

Your school teaches the four basic food groups as:
     1) Boiled Seafood
     2) Broiled Seafood
     3) Fried Seafood
     4) Beer

You are asked to name the holy trinity and your reply is "onions, celery, bell pepper."

Personal :

You visit the Zoo and imagine how you would cook each animal.

You have more than once stopped to pick up roadkill (Deer, Gator tail, etc).

You own at least one pair of white levee boot  (boot is plural).

North of Alexandria is not considered the south.

You are insulted being called a "Redneck," but gloat and smile when someone calls you a "Coon Ass."

You have swam in water you would dare not drink.

You see dirty water in a ditch and wonder if you can catch something in it.
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