How to navigate my page
Wow... this is a pretty bright color
(reminds me of the kitty cats - LSU)
You begin on the main index page.

From there you get to choose various links to begin your search. I have tried to make the links useful (you can understand what should be within).

Some links will take you outside of my webpage, but I will try to notify of when that will happen (definitely in the "links" section).

My older pages have "back" buttons, if a page does not, you can get back to where you were by using the back button on your browser.
What's inside

High School  / College
various writings from my experiences of high school and college

My various postions and random thoughts on different subjects

My opinions on things I have used, books I have read, and food I have eaten.

Various jokes, light humor, and humorous pictures

Sr 2000 contact guide

a guide for my classmates to communicate with each other if they so choose.

Contact me
my email address to get in touch with my by.

What in the... repudiation
essentially a disclaimer saying that I am not an expert on anything

various links arranged according to topic

How To?
useful things you may be able to use... a how to section for the computer and life

What's new

updates I have made to the website

Vehicle information
various info, and pictures of vehicles
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