Graces and Spiritual Songs
For Goodness
(tune: She'll be Comin' 'round the Mountain)
Let us all thank God for goodness at this meal, at this meal.
Let us all thank God for goodness at this meal, at this meal.
Let us all thank God for goodness
Let us all thank God for goodness
Let us all thank God for goodness at this meal.
God Made the Mountains
(tune: I love the mountains)
God made the mountains
God made the rolling hills,
God made the flowers,
God made the daffodils,
God made the field of wheat,
For all the bread we eat,
Alleluya, alleluya, alleluya, alleluya
If we all said a Prayer
If we all said a prayer for eachother everyday, what a wonderful place this would be.
I ask God to Bless you and keep you everyday, knowing you'll do the same thing for me.
Girl Scout Mambo
(tune: Mambo #5)
A little bit of breakfast on my plate
A little bit of dinner don't be late
A little bit or gorp while we're on a hike
A little bit of s'mores by firelight
A little bit of brown bears on my stick
A little bit of pudding not too thick
A little bit of ice cream n the can
We thankyou Lord, and say Amen!
Girl Scout Vespers
(tune: O Christmas Tree)
Softly falls the light of day,
As our campfire fades away.
Silently each Scout should ask
"Have I done my daily task?"
Have I kept my honor bright?
Can I quiltlessly sleep tonight?
Have I done and have I dared,
Everything to be prepared?
I have kept my honor bright,
I can guiltlessly sleep tonight
I have done and I have dared
Everything to be prepared.
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