Lynsey Victoria Blake

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Lynsey Blake, ahh what can i say about her! We met many moons ago on a cold saturday morning on a football pitch. We were too young at the time to appreciate the position we were in!! I believe she still has a fear of footballs!!
Anyways we just so happened to go to the same senior school, good old faithful St Martins, where our brothers constanty picked on us. Even though we weren't always bestest mates we've come out on top and shes one of the few i really miss while i'm away. Awww isn't that sweet.
Well right now shes at Manchester uni doing English and American studies (i think thats right) and she doesn't have much to do so shes always on line!! Though i know she still has a harbouring for the old Billericay Town lads!

Lynsey gets extra special praise because she shares my love of broccoli! Its THE nicest vegetable! She has the best sense of humour and is soooofunny to watch when she's flapping about over something trivial!! I'm really glad she happy at uni and can't wait to see her again.

Lynsey can sometimes be a bit of a grunge freak, tho she's got me listening to Goo Goo Dolls and Matchbox 20 again! I knwo i've influenced her tho coz she dances garage-styli! 1, 2, 3 Dance! (its our thing- just ask us and we'll show you!) Love ya babes.

Thats it for now but i'm sure i'll update it soon.

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