Little function

A.First Edition
This is the first edition of this simple function to delete first and last non-alphabetic char of a string.
1¡£ Basic idea: 
2¡£ Program design: 
3¡£ Major function£º
4¡£ Further improvement£º
	A. I write it for fun with a couple of hours and  I am not interested in improving it.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void removeMark(char* word);
void arrange(char* dictionary, const int arraySize, int wordSize);
//the testing data, make sure the total char including '\0' not exceeding the max length of 
//word length; otherwise you will make two word as one long word,
char* str[5] = {"$firsts", "$secon&", "&fully&", "normal&", "w*"};
int main()
	//this is a little test to show you the effect
	char dictionary[40];// this is your big array with 5 word, each 8bytes 
	//I now fill in with 5 word with punches
	for (int i =0; i<5; i++)
		//use address of first char as a string to accept the words
		strcpy(&dictionary[i*8], str[i]);
	//show you the word before "arrange"
	cout<<"\nNow is the word before arrange\n";
	for (int j =0; j<5; j++)
		char* ptr;
		ptr = &dictionary[j*8];
	//arrange with 5words, each 8bytes
	arrange(dictionary, 5, 8);
	//show you the effect after arrange
	cout<<"\nNow I show you the effect after arrange\n";
	for (j =0; j<5; j++)
		char* ptr;
		ptr = &dictionary[j*8];
	return 0;
void removeMark(char* word)
	char * ptrFirst, *ptrSecond;
	char ch;
	ch = word[0];  //I have to store the first char as it will be changing after copy
	ptrFirst = word;
	ptrSecond = ptrFirst +1;
	while (*ptrFirst!= '\0')
		//you need to seperate two situation:
		//this is the first char is not a alphabetic
		if (!isalpha(ch))
			//you copy each char from next to previous
			*ptrFirst = *ptrSecond;
			//and move to next char
			ptrFirst = ptrSecond;
			ptrSecond = ptrFirst + 1;
			//until you find out the last char is also not alphabetic
			//unless you notice the ptrSecond is '\0'
			if (*ptrSecond=='\0'&&(!isalpha(*ptrFirst)))
				//it is the only way you should go back a position to write '\0' to 
				//over the non-alphabetic char
				*ptrFirst= '\0';
			//this is the second situation that the first char is indeed alphabetic char
			ptrFirst ++;
			ptrSecond ++;
			//you just move to next without copy
			if (*ptrSecond=='\0'&&(!isalpha(*ptrFirst)))
				//until you find the last char is non-alphabetic
				//you ten copy by over-writing '\0' to the non-alphabetic char
				*ptrFirst = *ptrSecond;

//dictionary is your big char array
//arraysize is how many word you stored in dictionary
//wordsize is the max length of each word 
void arrange(char* dictionary, const int arraySize, int wordSize)
	void removeMark(char* word);
	for (int i=0; i< arraySize; i++)
		//actually you use the address of first char of word to make it as a string as paramenter
		removeMark(&dictionary[i * wordSize]);

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