RSA  Encryption&Decryption

A.Second Edition
This is the second edition of RSA encryption and decryption program. and I find out and correct the mistakes 
of GCD.
B.Idea of program
1¡£ Basic idea: 
Last edition cannot find correct GCD if two number are divisible. Now I made it a special case among all others.
In this edition, I add a new function "linearCombination" which gives coefficients of these two numbers to
form a linear equations with their GCD.
2¡£ Program design: 
I made a internal method "internalCalculation" to split function "inverse".
4¡£ Further improvement£º
I plan to find two very big prime number to use as "Public Key", so I write a simple program to search for 
such big primes. see here:
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

typedef unsigned long ulong;

const ulong Prime1 = 43;
const ulong Prime2 = 59;
const ulong DefaultExp = 13;

enum DivName
{Quotient, Remainder};

class RSA
	int counter;
	int exp;
	long divident;
	long divisor;
	ulong enModular;
	ulong deModular;
	ulong deExp;
	ulong gcd;
	long temp[100][2];
	bool testExp(ulong e);
	void initialize(ulong e= DefaultExp);
	void internalCalculate(long number, long mod);
	RSA(ulong e);
	void setExp(ulong e);
	void linearCombination(long number, long mod);
	long inverse(long number, long mod);
	ulong GCD(long number, long mod);
	ulong modularExp(ulong base, ulong exp, ulong mod);
	ulong encryption(ulong input);
	ulong decryption(ulong input);

int main()
	int a, b, i=0;
	while (i<5)
		//R.linearCombination(a, b);
		//cout<<R.GCD(a, b)<<endl;
		//cout<<R.inverse(a, b)<<endl;
	return 0;

void RSA::linearCombination(long number, long mod)

	internalCalculate(number, mod);
	cout<<"\nThe linear combination is: "<<number<<" x "<<divident<<" - ";
	cout<<" "<<divisor<<" x "<<mod<<" = "<<gcd<<endl; 

void RSA::setExp(ulong e)
	if (!testExp(e))
		cout<<"Input exponent is not relative prime to modular!\n";
		cout<<"Default exponent is used!\n";
		exp = DefaultExp;
		exp = e;	
	deExp = inverse(exp, deModular);

ulong RSA::encryption(ulong input)
	return modularExp(input, exp, enModular);

ulong RSA::decryption(ulong input)
	return modularExp(input, deExp, enModular);

void RSA::initialize(ulong e)
	counter =0;
	enModular = Prime1* Prime2;
	deModular = (Prime1 -1)*(Prime2 -1);

RSA::RSA(ulong e)

bool RSA::testExp(ulong e)
	return GCD(e, deModular)==1;


ulong RSA::modularExp(ulong base, ulong exp, ulong mod)
	ulong shifts = exp; //in order to shift to test each bit
	ulong test;   //mask and also temp result to see bit value
	ulong power; //the base modular 
	ulong result =1;  //final result
	power = base % mod;

	for (int i=0; i< 32; i++)
		test =1;
		test &= shifts;  //bit-and assignment
		if (test)  //if it is 1, then result times power
			result *= power;
			result %= mod;
		power *= power;
		power %= mod;
		shifts>>= 1;
		if (shifts==0)
	return result;

ulong RSA::GCD(long number, long mod)
	div_t result;
	long tempDivident, tempDivisor;
	tempDivident = number;
	tempDivisor = mod;
	counter = 0;

	result = div(tempDivident, tempDivisor);
	//if they are not relative prime
	if (result.rem == 0)
		temp[counter][Quotient] = result.quot;
		temp[counter][Remainder] = result.rem;
		gcd = mod;
		return gcd;
	while (result.rem != 0)
		temp[counter][Quotient] = result.quot;
		temp[counter][Remainder] = result.rem;
		tempDivident = tempDivisor;
		tempDivisor = result.rem;	
		result = div(tempDivident, tempDivisor);
	gcd = temp[counter-1][Remainder];
	return gcd;


void RSA::internalCalculate(long number, long mod)
	long scale =0;
	GCD(number, mod);
	//these are quotient for 
	if (counter ==0&&temp[counter][Remainder] ==0)//this is mod|number!!!
		divident = 1;
		divisor = divisor =temp[counter][Quotient] -1;
	divident = 1;
	divisor = temp[counter][Quotient];
	while (counter>0)
		scale = -1 * divisor;
		divisor = temp[counter-1][Quotient]* scale - divident;
		divident = scale;

long RSA::inverse(long number, long mod)
	//counter =0; //initialize 

	internalCalculate(number, mod);
	if (gcd == 1)

		return divident;
		cout<<"\nThese two number are not relative prime!"<<endl;
		return 0;




The following is a small silly program to search for all prime numbers. It use the simplest algorithms, so

it runs hours to finish. I simply save every prime number I find in an array and future number just test

if it is divisable by the prime in array. And as the factor of a composite is less or equal to its square

root, so it can save some time.

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

typedef unsigned long ulong;

const ulong MaxNum = 0xFFFFFFFE;

ulong array[59999999];

ulong counter =0;

bool test(ulong number)
	ulong temp;
	temp = sqrt(number);
	for (int i =0; i<counter; i++)
		if (array[i]>temp+1&&number%array[i]==0)
			return false;
	array[counter] = number;
	return true;

void addPrime(ulong prime)
	array[counter] = prime;

void initialize()

void display()
	for (int i=0; i<counter; i++)
		cout<<"Prime no."<<i<<" is "<<array[i]<<endl;

int main()
	ulong i =2;
	while (i<MaxNum)

	return 0;

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