Code Competition(3) 

A.First Edition
This is actually first edition of Code Competition 3. (Click to see the problem)
1¡£ Basic idea: 
This is from last year of "Code Competition" of "Concordia Computer Science Association"(CCSS)
This is the second simplest one among 4 problems.(I guess that as I browse the result and most of them only 
figour out this one and the no 2 problem.) It is actually a common job in data structure courses. I finished 
after more then 3 hours. I guess I won't become the winning team as I think I am not the kind of coding fast.
2¡£ Program design: 
Actually it is not a very difficult problem compared with "Baggles" which I coded with Delphi in Toronto which
is the assignment of "University York". It is also said to be originally from "MIT" or "Standford" or somewhere.
That problem is actually a small project which involes "lexico", "depth first search", and other data structure
skills. I only finished these two parts. Stop this!
Let's talk about something of problem. The input quite cost a lot of job. I made a mistake when reading number
with more than 1 digit. I used a recursive function "doSearch()" which move to new position by original "direction"
and "word" with first letter "missing". I just move the pointer of "word" by 1. The recursive function doSearch
return write a "Pos" struct to a "Pos*" array when it find out the "word" is only one letter left.
3¡£ Major function£º
     A. void inputFile(char* fileName)
	This function is quite long as I didn't expect to add so many parts in together. First it read in the "dimention" of 
array which give some trouble as I only expect one digit number. Then it just read the length of a word first then read in the 
word until read 0;
     B. void searchWord(char* word)
	This function first find the pos match the first char of "word" and then call "scanWord".
	C.  void scanWord(int i, int j, char* word)
	   void doSearch(int i, int j, char* pWord, Direction dir);
	within "scanWord" there is the recursive function of "doSearch" which "move" from current co-ordinate(i,j) to next position
calculated by "Direction"---dir. The function "testDir" test next position also return next destination co-ordinate. Then
the function just pass new co-ordinate, original direction, and "word" with first char "missing"(move the pointer by 1) to 
recursive call itself. "doSearch" stop to add new struct of "Pos" to a list when he found the "word" is only one char.
	D. bool testDir(int& row, int& col, Direction dir)
	A standard moving test function. I think it is exactly same as my old "Delphi" function which I lost when my old laptop
choose to suitcide.
4¡£ Further improvement£º
	A. This simple program cost me almost 3 hours.	
	B. I forgot to delete dynamically allocated memory at end of execution.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
enum Direction
{LeftUp, Up, RightUp, Right, RightDown, Down, LeftDown, Left};
const MaxDim = 100;
const MaxWordCount = 100;
const MaxRec = 200;
struct Pos
	char* word;
	int startRow;
	int startCol;
	int endRow;
	int endCol;
Pos* record[MaxRec];
int recordCount =0;
Pos start;

char * words[MaxWordCount];
char matrix[MaxDim][MaxDim];
int dim = 0;
int wordCount =0;
void inputFile(char* fileName);
void outputFile(char * fileName);
void searchWord(char* word);
void scanWord(int i, int j, char* word);
bool testDir(int& row, int& col, Direction dir);
int main()
	return 0;
void outputFile(char* fileName)
	ofstream f;;
	for (int i=0; i<recordCount; i++)
		f<<record[i]->word<<" "<<record[i]->startRow<<" "<<record[i]->startCol;
		f<<" "<<record[i]->endRow<<" "<<record[i]->endCol<<"\n";
void inputFile(char* fileName)
	FILE* stream;
	char buffer[20];
	char * ptr;
	char ch;
	int len=0;
	stream = fopen(fileName, "r");
	ch = fgetc(stream);
	while (isdigit(ch))
		dim = 10 * dim + atoi(&ch);
		ch = fgetc(stream);
	for (int i=0; i< dim; i++)
		for (int j=0; j<dim; j++)
			matrix[i][j] = ch;
			ch = fgetc(stream);
	while (!isalnum(ch))
		ch = fgetc(stream);   //eat non alpha number
		len =0;		
			len = len*10 + atoi(&ch);
			ch = fgetc(stream);
		if (len==0)
		ptr = buffer;
		for (i=0; i< len; i++)
			*ptr = ch;
			ch = fgetc(stream);
		*ptr = '\0';
		words[wordCount] = (char*)malloc(len+1);
		strcpy(words[wordCount], buffer);
	for (i=0; i< wordCount; i++)
bool testDir(int& row, int& col, Direction dir)
	int i = row, j = col;
	case LeftUp:
	case Up:
	case RightUp:
	case Right:
	case RightDown:
	case Down:
	case LeftDown:
	case Left:
	if (i<0||j<0||i>=dim||j>=dim)
		return false;
		row = i;
		col = j;
		return true;

void searchWord(char* word)
	for (int i =0; i<dim; i++)
		for (int j=0; j< dim; j++)
			if (matrix[i][j]==*word)
				scanWord(i, j, word);
void doSearch(int i, int j, char* pWord, Direction dir)
	if (*pWord == matrix[i][j])
		if (strlen(pWord)==1)
			Pos * ptr = new Pos;
			ptr->word = start.word;
			ptr->startRow = start.startRow;
			ptr->startCol = start.startCol;
			ptr->endRow = i;
			ptr->endCol = j;
			record[recordCount] = ptr;
			if (testDir(i, j, dir))
				doSearch(i, j, pWord+1, dir);
void scanWord(int i, int j, char* word)
	int row = i, col = j;
	char *ptr = word;
	void doSearch(int i, int j, char* pWord, Direction dir);
	for (int dir = LeftUp; dir<= Left; dir++)
		start.word = word;
		ptr = word;
		row = i;
		col = j;
		start.startRow = i;
		start.startCol = j;
		doSearch(row, col, ptr, (Direction)dir);

This is input file contents:


This is output file contents:

maestro 18 19 12 19
yadayadayada 7 12 18 12
soupnazi 0 19 0 12
cosmo 10 1 6 1
elainebenes 20 0 20 10
costanza 1 12 8 19
kramer 20 14 20 19
aboutnothing 16 12 5 1
frank 5 19 1 15
george 14 0 19 0
newman 9 13 14 18
crazyjoedavola 0 20 13 20
uncleleo 9 19 2 12
smellycar 1 9 1 1
juniormint 1 0 10 9
thedrake 19 19 19 12
puffyshirt 0 9 0 0
thebris 8 6 2 0
poppiespizza 14 11 3 11
mickey 14 6 19 11
shrinkage 19 8 19 0
bigsalad 10 7 3 0
bania 11 14 15 14
jonvoightscar 0 10 12 10
mrpitt 6 19 1 14
puddy 11 0 11 4
steinbrenner 17 13 6 13
jpeterman 15 10 7 2

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