I would like to receive all manner (, …) of offers, ... for what they do or do not want (or, …) from me (like something, or to do or don’t speak, imitate, or …), or by anything, or by ….

Self critics:

As all I embarrass my self to write, because is possible somebody to understand something incorrect or to use these here incorrect. But I try zealously, …  I trying this to have approach for everybody (for every religions, science, species, …, for irreligious, …)… - for example I use the words You, It  Aim for me is and to here nobody to founding something against (his, hers)  thoughts, fight,  … I believe that the true is open for everybody. In infinities I feel untouchables, unthinkable, … simultaneously, for example: I have no anything, anytime, anywhere, … and simultaneously have everything, everywhere , anytime, … and like that I can that hearth is one with that infinities and I feel love, …!

Sometimes I took to my self what a self flatter I am and all this in case that I’m one of the most stupid    creators in the universe, …

-Yes, is true!?

-Hm…(give a slight smile to my self)…?

-I wonder to my self that I laugh to my self and I’m thinking what, a idiot am I and I answer “well you sweet idiot”



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