

Episode 86


Tiny Monkey Becomes a Cop

Tiny Monkey wants to be a cop
Tiny Monkey says crime has to stop
Tiny Monkey must first go to school
Tiny Monkey wouldnt fail like a fool

Tiny Monkey goes through all that stuff
Tiny Monkey passed it, though it was rough
Tiny Monkey now got to enforce the law
Tiny Monkey could bust anyone that he saw

Tiny Monkey noticed some speeding
Tiny Monkey chased without heeding
Tiny Monkey just gave them a warning
Tiny Monkey though gave him a scorning

Tiny Monkey is of course the lowest rank
Tiny Monkey hopes to bust a robbery at the bank
Tiny Monkey sits around all day
Tiny Monkey says no crime? no way!

Tiny Monkey goes home with no real action
Tiny Monkey would have like to bust a drug faction
Tiny Monkey says now its time for rest
Tiny Monkey was real tired he confessed
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws