

Episode 43


Tiny Monkey Learns to Draw:

Tiny Monkey calls his pa
Tiny Monkey wants to learn to draw
Tiny Monkey goes to class
Tiny Monkey just knows that he'll pass

Tiny Monkey grabs his pen
Tiny Monkey draws a fat ole hen
Tiny Monkey draws it nice
Tiny Monkey also drew a bowl of rice

Tiny Monkey holds his pen
Tiny Monkey wants to draw over again
Tiny Monkey thinks real hard
Tiny Monkey draws himself a card

Tiny Monkey draws his mom
Tiny Monkey says, "Man she's the bomb"
Tiny Monkey just sits and smiles
Tiny Monkey wants to learn new styles

Tiny Monkey learned how to use chalk
Tiny Monkey just loves to talk
Tiny Monkey loves to draw
Tiny Monkey says Caw Caw Caw
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