

Episode 39


Tiny Monkey Does a Jig:

Tiny Monkey snaps a twig
Tiny Monkey does a jig
Tiny Monkey moves his feet
Tiny Monkey boogies to the beat

Tiny Monkey breaks it down
Tiny Monkey doesnt dare frown
Tiny Monkey wears new pants
Tiny Monkey made a brand new dance

Tiny Monkey wiggles around
Tiny Monkey stomps the ground
Tiny Monkey claps real loud
Tiny Monkey has drawn quite a crowd

Tiny Monkey gets cheered on
Tiny Monkey starts to yawn
Tiny Monkey's crowd joins in
Tiny Monkey sneaks away from those men

Tiny Monkey wasn't fired
Tiny Monkey was just real tired
Tiny Monkey got all fed
Tiny Monkey then went on to bed
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws