More random questions...
70. Did you dress up on Halloween? no
71. What were you? myself as I haned out candy, but Anna was from the ghetto, she was wearing her normal clothes.. lol
72. What cd(s) are in your cd player right now? I am currently listening to Travis's mix
73. What college do you want to go to? if given the choice and the chance... HARVARD, but UGA is treatin' nicely, thank you
74.What does your school look like? it's one big hill and staircase!!
75. Have you ever been out of the country? YES!!!!!!!!  A LA SUISSE!!!!  and come this December... AUSTRALIA!!
76. What is your religion? Catholic
77. Have you ever met any celebrities? SR-71, and thats it
78. If no, who would you like to meet? Jamie Bell b/c he is the best dancer/actor ever
79. Do you go to a private or public school? public, damn HOPE scholarship
80. What is your favorite day of the week? Friday
81. Do you go to summer camp? I dont now, but I have been before
82. If so, where? dont go, but I did go to Boy Scout camp when I was 11, and I roomed with Andy
83. What is your favorite color? navy blue, red, and orange
84. Do you want to get married? yeah, i would like to
85. Do you want to have any children? yeah yeah, not a lot of them though
86. If so, how many, and what sex? just a few, one or two
87. What's something you do that pisses your friends off? when they get mad at me, I do things that I know will just piss them off even more, it usually gets them less mad at me
88. What's your favorie music video? "Murder On The Dance Floor" by Sophie Ellis Bextor
89. What's your favorite magazine? Men's Health...  I have become obsessed, and it doesn't help that the pages are flowing with hot boys
90. What's your favorite holiday? Christmas or my bday
91. Do you have any stuffed animals? yeah, but they are in a plastic bag somewhere
92. What's your dream car? Lexus IS300, any BMW, Land Rover Discovery,
93. Do you have a job? I am a life guard during the summer, and hopefully I will get employed at Ramsey
94. What's your dream job? hell if i know... sometime
95. Who is your dream date? my favorite Polo model
96. Do you care about the way you look? yeah, I dont want to look like crap
97. Do you have contacts or glasses? I got me a pair of glasses, but I want a new pair b/c these ones have gone to hell
98. Do you have a cell phone? it's my prime source of communicatio!
99. Are you are a wuss? yeah, with somethings
100. Do you daydream often? all the time, it makes reality more fun
101. Are you a nerd? guess who got a 100 in geometry and a 102 on the FINAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I wish I was more nerdy though.
Have you ever...
102. Eaten an entire box of oreos? no, I dont really like oreos that much
103. Gotten in a car accident? yeah, two of them, stupid people who dont use turn signals
104. Watched "Punky Bruster"? no, but I saw something about Soliel Moon Frye on E!
105. Hiked a mountain? yeah, the Loveland Pass in CO
106. Mentally undressed someone? a few times
107. Followed your crush around? no, do I look like a stalker
When was the last time...
108. You cried? the day I had to come back to school from winter break
109. Cut your hair? March 4th
110. Worn a tie? when I went to Macronni Grill for Taylor and Maggies birthdays
111. Went out to dinner? on Tuesday, I went to Panera Bread with Tom, Jess, Katie, and Stacy
112. Been sarcastic? I am always sarcastic
113. Met someone new? Mr. B!!!
114. Gone for a walk? my ass walks everywhere over this damn campus!!!
115. Said "I Love You!"? whenever I talk to my mom.... I LOVE YOU, MOM!!!!
116. Taken a test? last Friday on which I got a 69!!!
117. Missed someone? everyday, painfully
118. Hugged someone? hmm... I dont remember
119. Danced with someone? at Krush Girls
120. Had a nightmare? don't remember exactly, but it had something to do with snakes

Click for questions 121-150
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