
About Me

Hello there!

My name is Nick Casuyon; first I really don't know what to write. This is my first time creating website to the point that I'm really not good in doing such thing but, I will tell you about myself. Most gracious to be exact.

You who reading this. I am a "simple" student with no experience on I.T. courses stuff way back when I was in highschool. I doesn't have any idea of what course to take up but then, I ended up being an I.T. "Such a long process of explanation prefer not to mention"

What I am

I mean "Who I really am?" Well well well, I'm a student, yes given already. I lived in the not so famous and not so huge town of Binalbagan located at Negros Occidental to the most Perlas ng Silangan of Philippines, even if it is not that very famous and it is small, our town have these things that basically needed by a human being. I lived in an eco and human friendly town beacause there are so many friendly people out there "to snatch you.. kidding" that you can encounter in your everyday living. My town is a happy town therefor, people who are living here are also a happy people.


You have that much patience to read it.. clap clap clap for that.

Mini Gallery

Some photos of mine.

nick1 picture1
nick3 food nick4
picture3 summer

Capture every moment of your life because you cannot go back to the past, you only can go back to the memories of the past. Whether it is good or bad thing, photos are just tickets or remembrance that those things really did happened to you.

Other Stuff
Thank You Message

Bon Voyage..

Thank you for for having those kind of patience for reading some of those nonsense stuffs of my life.
I hope you enjoyed it...Really bad HAHAHAH

Oh I almost forgot...The lovelife.. Ouch I got headace for that word.
What is that? Is it eadible? Well forever didn't exist.. HELL YEH BISH! HAHAHA KIDDING I GOT YOU!!.. CHAO..