The answer is really quite simple. I am going to assume that you're here because you're a wrestling fan in general, and understand some of the terminology. Nick is what those in the business call a "heel", aka the Bad Guy. In which case, he's the one to be constantly heckled and booed by the audience. I believe he is a very talented wrestler, so I boo him the most. I know that might sound a little odd, but booing the bad guy is just about the same as cheering for the good guy, if you catch my drift. In this way I am able to verbally support this up-and-coming Indie Legend. If I am not cursing his heritage or his skills, I am commenting derisively on his hometown of Detroit, Michigan. One time I even got my chair stolen right out from under me, so he could use it in a full assault in the ring!


Along this same vein, I support my favorite wrestler and Indie shows in general by participating how I can. When you get involved not only are they inspired to do their best for you, but you enjoy the show all the more. So even if you're not a mad-cap Nick fan like I am, at least respect all of those wrestlers who showcase their physical prowess for you a few nights a month. Take my word for the fact that they appreciate it!
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