Funny Pics 3
OK, there are two things wrong with this picture: Howie has cleavage and Nick and Howie are playing footies!!
Dude, why are his shorts down, and if he's gonna tease us like this he might as well pull them all the way down.Geez.
Nick's hand is in Howie's *special* place.
LMAO he looks like a smurf!!
Who's hand is that?!?!..
Nice disguises, guys. I doubt they can see you.
I always knew they were sleeping together.
wtf happened to him?!
Kevin: Push Howie! Push!
AJ: I can see it's head!!
Nick: I'm gonna be a daddy!!
Brian: I can't believe Nick was cheating on me.
Howie: *panting*
Saw that comin' a mile away
And they thought they were cool?
Oh boy...
Oh now that's attractive
Thanks Kev, that's something we don't see enough of.
Dude, watch your hands!!!
See above message.
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