This is the new page that I've decided to stick in between my pages so that I won't have a long list in my homepage.  This contains one link to every page that I decided to add.  Every link takes you to a front door of a particular section, except for my Uhura/Nichelle Nichols fan page, that's the front door to my Star Trek section.

Main - my homepage
Editorial-Under reconstruction
Ghostbusters entrance
The Rat's Nest - maintained off site
The Village of Lysaea - my hercules/xena page, home to my Iolaus fan page
Freakazette's freakapage & freakazone
The Nichelle Nichols fan page
No Longer In The Patch - LF&CJ's page
Extended Links - sitewide
True Tales Of Campus Life
Fact Or Fiction fan page
Nick's Barbie Collection page - what I have & don't have
The Rainbow Mists - my little pony fan page
Scrappy-Doo fan page
Kirby's Dreamworld - my Kirby fan page
Buttercup Rulz
The Truth Is Now - my X-Files place
The Rest Of The Nest - stuff I picked up
My Wandering Soul - a peek at me

uhura got their NeoPet at


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