Spiritual Humour
Whatever happened to ectoplasm?  It's the spiritual equivalent of fuzzy-felt - you never hear of it anymore.  There was a time when any medium worth their salt would fill the room with this strange candyfloss type substance.  It belongs to a by-gone era of mediumship, back then you had to be called Doris to stand any chance of getting on stage - even if you were a man.
       Yesterday's mediums looked like your Aunty Phyllis.  They wore big flowery dresses and support tights, they had whiskers on their chins and drank milk-stout.  They were the kind of women who knew how to make gravy; but there was an honest integrity about them, they seemed safe and reliable.
       I have seen many mediums, some good and some bad. I saw a particularly poor one recently.  She came onto the stage wearing a costume that wouldn't have looked out of place in
Lord of the Rings; she wore a huge amulet around her neck and had more rings on her fingers than Jimmy Saville.
       "C'mon everybody," she bellowed. "Get with it!"
       She then proceeded to play loud rock music in a bid to get the crowd going.  At this point the only place I felt like going was out the door.
       "Clap you hands," she ordered, striding up the isles.  Any minute now, I thought, she'll start playing the air-guitar.  The group of pensioners in the front-row looked rather bemused.  It wasn't long before she picked on one of these elderly folk and said,
       "I'm getting a song from spirit for you, it's called
Daisy Daisy," she sang three bars of the song,  "now I don't know this song," she continued, I've never heard it before
      What rot! She was a middle-aged woman; I have a seven-year-old who can give you three verses of Daisy Daisy.
Things went downhill when she approached a large man;shaven headed, except for a long ponytail.  He had a big, bushy beard, a cut off leather jacket and tattoos disappearing into every orifice.  She closed her eyes, put her hands to her temples and gave a sigh like a punctured dingy.
       "I don't know why they're telling me this," she said, "but do you have anything to do with motorbikes?"  That's like asking a man in a dog-collar, "Pardon me, but do you happen to be religious?"
Medium Rare
Wrtier Nick Richardson gets his teeth into the meaty
subject of Stage Clairvoyance
Of course, for every bad medium, there are two good ones, like the brilliant Gordon Smith, AKA the Psychic Barber (Short back and sides sir? Oh and by the way, your Aunty Ethel is telling me, she knows it was you who poisoned her cat).  A true believer in the value of being able to help
people, Gordon is honest and extremely accurate.  He's also a pretty good barber.  I've heard of Voices from beyond the grave, could these be Snippets from beyond the fringe?

       A gifted medium provides proof of life-after-death, sometimes in the most unexpected way.  I remember one clairvoyant approaching me:

       "TOFFO'S!" He roared.
       "I beg you pardon?"
       "Toffo's," he repeated, "but not the ordinary ones, these are the
assorted flavour toffee's that you loved; your Granny's just told me."
It's bizarre evidence like this that proves to me our consciousness is eternal.  Every Saturday, when I was young, my Granny bought me assorted flavoured Toffo's.  Now, if this man had been fishing for clues it's most unlikely that he would have shouted such an obscure statement at me.
       I always find it best to trust your instincts.  Beware of overdressed, showy mediums.  Look for the ones with flowery dresses, purple rinses and sensible shoes.  My rule of thumb is that if they use a stage name, be sceptical.  Stick with the Doris', Betty's and Doreen's of this world and of course the David's, Collin's and Gordon's.
Info Box*
Mediums should give you information that feels helpful. 
You should never feel frightened or troubled. 
Here are some pointers to get you started:
Get a recommendation from a satisfied friend who has visited a medium.
Is the medium affiliated with any recognised association?
Mediums don't tell fortunes; they should give you proof of the survival of life after death.
Take a trip to your local Spiritualist Church.
Visit the 'Spiritualists National Union' for certified and registered members at
Browse the site of the 'Spiritualist Association of Great Britain' at
Trust your instincts about any mediums you see.  Did you feel comfortable and light-hearted?  Was the information they gave vague or valuable?
Be open-minded - you may not make contact with the person you have in mind, and you may not hear the information you expect, but it may still be the information you
Take a blank cassette tape with you.  Most mediums don't mind if the session is recorded.  You can then listen to the tape again later and check any information that may not have seemed significant to you at the time.  It could prove to be a vital piece of evidence.
*This page includes information which is the personal opinion of  - Nick Richardson - Spiritual Writer - (as does the whole site). 
Please follow your own intuition and guidance as to whether this information is right for you. 
Nick welcomes correspondance, and indeed would love to hear your own stories, feel free to e-mail him.
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These incidents were amusing, but unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse...
      "I'm looking for anybody who has lost a baby."  Several hands were raised and she soon latched on to one unfortunate lady.  She couldn't supply a name for the infant or any evidence to give the lady any comfort, her only offering was:
       "You were extremely upset when the baby passed to spirit." 
  This was no longer amusing; it was cruel to sport with somebody's grief in order to feed an over-active ego.  I felt ashamed to have paid to see this, and looking around I wasn't the only one who appeared uncomfortable.
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