Keep your Spirits Up!
The poster read
'An Evening of Clairvoyance with Bill Harrison and Patrick Gamble.'

Maybe it should also have carried a health warning: 
This show has side effects... aching sides from too much laughter! The double-act is alive and well in these 2 gifted psychics.

The formula is simple.  Bill is a renowned medium and healer; Patrick is a talented psychic artist.  So, not only do you get the opportunity to receive messages from a loved one or guide, you also get the chance of a painting of them as well.
It's amazing to watch Patrick work.  He goes into a trance like state, and stares over the heads of the audience.  His hands move like lightening over the canvas as he paints his subject. 
       "Its like looking through rippled water at a face," he explained.  "My guide John takes over and he paints the picture
through me."...

...The following day, I had a private sitting with Patrick, where he painted one of my spirit guides.  Totally unprompted, and without prior knowledge, Patrick painted a monk that I had seen in a meditation. 

       "I know him!"  I exclaimed when Patrick turned the painting around.

       "I know you do." Patrick replied with confidence. 
It was an extraordinary moment...
You can visit Bill or Patricks website from our links page.
Read Nicks full interview with Bill Harrison and Patrick Gamble in the November 2005 edition of Vision Magazine.

You can order back issues of Vision Magazine by calling them on: 0113 286 6789
Laughter is still the best medicine, and it's available without prescription as Nick Richardson discovered when he spent a few hours in the company of Bill Harrison and Patrick Gamble
I was recently lucky enough to spend the afternoon with Bill and Patrick before I had the chance to attend their evening show.  It wasn't long into the evening before Bill was up to his tricks, namely, making fun of Patrick and generally throwing wisecracks at the audience.  The sound of laughter soon raised the vibration in the room, which is possibly one of the reasons why Bill is such an accurate medium...
The sound of laughter soon raised the vibration in the room
Patricks painting of
Nicks Spirit Guide
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