Unopened Male

   Can you imagine:

The funky mess you never left me in �
               A fantasia that leads me on:
               The tempera wash on charcoal
               That I would paint with you.

                   I am Unopened Male:
                   Hot sweet milk not spilled
                   In primate abandon
                   On a black silk Persian prayer mat.

White male juice highlighting raven�s wing,
                Spent jet trash in the valley of night,
                Lost pearls on black velvet
                (Discolouring, unbalancing )
                Your perfect, perfumed monochrome scheme.

                   Sensuous glue bonds me to you,
                   Sticking together kohl filigreed wings
                   That soar,
                   Leaving musk, lingering
                   That will never, altogether

Sweet Shiva! How I wanted
             That lush defilement, and just a
             Of blood -
             To complete this Snow Child ensemble.

                Do you wish to fuck me?
Yes. With total voracity,
             Fill you to capacity
               And then, a little later �
             Love you tender, in a way
             No-one has
             Or will.

   Now; do you understand why this male remains

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