
Pay equity preview: Please click here.

The Constitution: Has Anyone Proofread Our Copies?: For the article, please click here. For the appendices, please click links within the article or click these: Appx. 0; Appx. 1; Appx. 2; Appx. 3; Appx. 4; Appx. 5; Appx. 6; Appx. 7; Appx. 8; Appx. 9; Appx. 10; Appx. 11; Appx. 12; Appx. 13; Appx. 14; Appx. 15; Appx. 16; Appx. 17; Appx. 18; Appx. 19; Appx. 20; Appx. 21; Appx. 22.

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Nick Levinson, P.O. Box 8386, New York, N.Y. 10150.


URL: (replacing page previously at this URL; the page previously at this URL that was on the subject of pay equity has been succeeded by the page linked to above regarding pay equity)
This page:
        First publicly posted to the World Wide Web July 24, 2004, last revised and posted August 31, 2004.
        Copyright © 2004 Nick Levinson
        All rights reserved.

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