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Pictures at the TV
(in Russian)
The Moscow News  (Moskovskye Novosty) number 42, October 2002
In this article about the Dutch reaction on infamous massacre of the "Nord West" theatre, Moscow at the October 2002, Nick Gabrichidze wrote about general indifference and unconcern of Western middle class about World affairs and even about the issues at their own countries.
More art, more money, more public
(in Dutch)

Publication of Dutch social-democratic party, PvdA
In this article Nick argues about the necessity of investing state funds into the development of arts. The article was written as a part of Nick Gabrichidze's electoral campaign for a seat in Amsterdam city counsel. Nick used an opening of his exhibition at Holland Casino in August 2005 as a political meeting, to make a statement about development of arts.
Can dancing Labour be attractive?
(in Dutch)

Publication of Dutch social-democratic party, PvdA
Nick Gabrichidze introduced a new approach to electoral campaigns-the Pop politics. Nick argued that the political massage should be delivered to the people in a form of mass culture. According to Nick Gabrichidze "Pop politics" can become a powerful tool to defeat an emerging right wing populism.
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