Name: Nick Eisele
Rank: Fleet Admiral
Position(s): CO USS Centurion NCC 74563 B
Age: �194,534 earth standard years
Species: Q/Human
Military History:� Fought in all of the World Wars of earth.� Joined Star Fleet right when it was created.� Was weapons officer on the USS Excelsior.� Rose to the rank of Commander and became XO on the USS Cochrane.� Was rewarded a medial for bravery for keeping a Klingon Battle cruiser from destroying Starbase 10.� Rose to the Rank of Captain and took position in Starfleet Intelligence quickly rising in rank to the Rank of Fleet Admiral in 2340 and became Commander Star Fleet.� Later on when the Star Fleet Chief in Command passed on Nick took command with little holding back.� In the year 3000 introduced the Goliath class vessel and a ship production started right away.� The first ship produced was the USS Centurion NX 74563 B and Nick took command of it right away to help fight the Borg Wars.
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