~~~~Tell Me Why~~~~

Chapter Thirty~Nine

After Kevin left, Aileen made her way to the bedroom and flopped on the bed. She had been thrown a curve by Kevins proposal. Yes, he had been on his best behaviour lately, but they hadn't been close, not like they used to be, before. She had spent much more time with Nick lately. She smiled now as his image entered her mind. She had almost expected him to have proposed by now. Aileen turned on the TV and lazily flipped the channels around.

"....can't reach to your heart...."

She lifted her head up to see Nicks face on the TV screen. Aileen sat up and continued to watch the two men that were battling for her affections.

"...now I can see that we're falling apart..."

Kevins face filled the screen

"...from the way that it used to be...."

She snapped off the TV in frustration. "God, even when you're not here you two drive me crazy!"

She had been asleep for almost an hour when she felt a sharp pain in her side. "Oh God!" Aileen doubled over and held her stomach. "Can't you settle down?" The pain eased somewhat. "Maybe you're just as frustrated as I am, huh?" She patted her stomach and lay back down. Shortly after her head hit the pillow another pain hit her. "Ow! What are you trying to tell me, little one? It's too early for your debut." Aileen arranged her pillows so that she was in a semi-seated position. "Do you like that better? I would think you would have more room stretched out." She shook her head. "I sure hope you can hear me, cause I feel like an idiot talking to my tummy!" She laughed. "So what do you think, little one? Who do you like for a daddy?" She was answered by another pain. "Gotcha, ixnay on the addyday." she gasped. Aileen leaned over and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" Nick answered groggily. He looked at the clock which read 2:30 am. "Who is this?"

"Oh, owwww, oh, I'm sorry Nick, I know it's early.....I've been having pains for about half an hour now..."

Nick shot up. "It's not time!" he shouted.

"I know, it's too early." Aileen answered. "But these are pretty regular....oh God!"

"I'll be right there!" Nick hollered and dropped the phone.


She had to get out of bed to unlock the door. The pain knocked her to her knees twice. When she made it to the door, she lay there, exhausted. Ten minutes later, Nick was there by her side.

"Are you still having them?"

Aileen nodded. "Oh yeah. They almost took me out on the way to the door."

Nick took her elbow and helped her up. "Let's go, I left the car running."

"Uh, Nick?"


"Do you have a shirt in the car?"

He looked down at his bare chest and smiled apologetically. "Well at least I didn't forget my pants!" He took Aileen's arm and led her out to the car.


The nurse bustled around her taking her temperature, scribbling things in her chart and asking questions. "Your water hasn't broken?"

Aileen shook her head and grabbed Nick's hand as another pain washed over her. "I think it did on the way over here, actually." Nick answered.

"And the pains are regular?"

"I didn't time them." Aileen said. "But they felt pretty regular."

"Well." The nurse snapped her chart closed and smiled. "The contractions are coming about every fifteen minutes. You might have a son or daughter before the day is out!"

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