Do you have an anxiety disorder??
The following is a list of typical signs if anxiety disorders and phobias.


Reapeted, unexpected attacks during witch you are overcome by fear for no apparent reason.     

Panic disorder

During these attacks you may feel:

~    Heart palpations
~    Dizzienss or lightheadness
~    Feelings of being detached or unreality
~    Sweating
~    Nausea
~    Hot and cold flashes
~    Shortness of breath
~    Cheast pain
~    Fear of going crazy or losing control
~    Numbness or tingeling
~    Shaking or trembling

  If you experience persistent worry about having another attack,
  or constant anxiety about having a another attack which interfrears
  with everyday living, you should seek help from a professional.

           Obessive compulsive disorder

Excessive worry about germs, or dirt.
~Washing  yourself excessively.
~Checking things over and over again.
~Constantly worried about leaving something on.
~You feel you must do things, or thoughts you must think excessively
   in order to feel less anxiety.
~Always afraid you will lose something important.
~You constantly feel like something bad will happen.
~Excessive washing or sanitizing of your sourroundings.
~Unwanted impulsive, ideas or images that are sad, mean, horrible, or scary..

If you are feeling constant anxiety, loss of apptiete, losing sleep, feeling depressed, and suspect you may have ODC than please seek help!

Generalized anxiety disorder

Constant, excessive worry, lasting for at least 6 months.
~Restless sleep, having a hard time falling asleep.
~Feeling of restlessness
~Trouble concentrating
~Unable to control your worry

    Anxiety in life is normal, but excessive worry that intrefears
   with everyday life and lasts for a long period of time could be GAD.



Unable to travel alone
~Persistent fear of social situations
~Presistent fear of  places or situations where quick escape is diffcult
~Presistent fear of a situation like flying, heights, needles,etc.
~Racing heart for no apparent reason

       Everyone has fears that bring them some level of anxiety, but phobias cause your life to be interupted. If you lose sleep, or intrest in life,or feel constant anxiety because of your phobia you should see a professional.

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