Helen of Athens
My name is Helen. I am an Athenian Greek, a noble
woman, whose first death came in the temple of Athena
over two thousand years ago during an
invasion by Spartan forces.
Now, like the Ancient and beautiful city of Athens, I am immortal. Death cannot touch me. Well, that is not entirely true, my head can be severed from my body,
but why would any  man or woman want to do so?
     I have heard it said that it is better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all. I say that love hurts, costs us more than we are willing to pay, and is simply a pain in the ass.
Home Sweet Home
The city of Athens and some man I don't know from Adam. (Long story)
   They say wisdom comes with age. I say wisdom comes with having had Methos as my teacher.
Why is it that other immortals dont take me seriously? Is it because I am a woman, because I am beautiful, or because I just haven't kicked their ass yet?
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