Cassandra the Elder
      I am Cassandra, the mistress of music,  ruler of a small group of  Romanian vampires. I am have been called the demon with the voice of an angel, and with good reason.
       When I first shared the sacred mysteries with my master, a special gift was made manifest in me. I have the ability to weave spells through song. My spawn share this gift in one form or another.
        Although my master has tried on numerous occasions to coerce me into doing concerts for himself and for the enjoyment of the masses, I stubbornly refuse to do it, for my voice is the one part of myself I refuse to sell into eternal servitude.
     I like to think of myself as a good ruler. I have been called the master's favored, and perhaps I am, but few female vampires have established a a kingdom as strong and as vast as I  have.  I suppose I should stop bragging now, lest one of the elders see this and reprimand me.
   The sweet sound and smell of fear is the most delicate and sensual of melodies for our kind, this is the first lesson I teach any of my children as they prepare for their walk in the night.  Pain but adds a harmonious
pleasure while we partake of the fount of human blood.
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