KEY: outstanding
     The List     
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last updated feb. 26
Backpack Europe
Do stand up comedy
Have a tragic relationship
Cut my own hair, and look okay
Buy a pet lobster from WalMart
Get a discreet tattoo
Start a theatre troupe/company
Learn to twirl six-shooters
Make a lifelong enemy
Learn a blues rift on a harmonica
Take a temporary vow of silence
Write a screenplay
Live off the land
Learn to Balllroom Dance
Learn American Sign Language
Get back in shape
Write a play
Get away with a hoax
Buy a motorcycle
Learn to bartend
Start my own restuarant
Build an outdoor oven
Build shelter with my hands
Paint a self portrait
Research my geneology
Grow a ridiculous beard/moustashe
Live to see flying cars
Sew a quilt and give it as a gift
Catch a fish with my bare hands
Be best man in a wedding
Distill my own whiskey
Design my own house
Live to be 100
Plant a garden and eat from it
Have a secret hide-out
Sovle a Rubik's cube
Be sent flowers
Have a pet spider
Build a working sailboat
Fish in a Bass Pro Tourney
Play guitar like ringing a bell
Throw darts at a map and plan a trip through the destinations
Make some laugh so hard, milk comes out thier nose
Take an IQ test and not have to lie about the results
Make a Top 10 movies I haven't seen list, and see them
Take a stunt driver course
Build a treehouse
Whistle with my fingers
Go skiing
Go surfing
Raft the Colorado
Write a novel Have an alias
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