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nectarines, peaches, and fruit in general


it needs to be said: nectarines are better than peaches. and though nectarines are not my favorite type of fruit (i'm not really sure what my favorite fruit is, it's probably kiwi or pineapple or maybe just good old apples [fuji of course]), they're still good, and it's a shame to see them constantly be belittled by peaches.

the case for the betterness of nectarines as compared to peaches is immense. nectarines aren't furry, peaches are; the furriness of the skin and just the skin in general of the peaches is nasty and bitter, the skin of the nectarine is just fine. nectarines tend to be crisper, and as i'll explain later that it is rare for a fruit to not taste better when crisper. sure peaches have juices, but that just means that they are messier and harder to eat. all there is pluses on the nectarine side and minuses on the peach side; it's just that simple.

so with the matter of which is a superior fruit done with, i can now expound on fruit in general. fruit needs to crisp. a semi-ripe fruit is always better than over-ripe fruit, and sometimes even better than ripe fruit. bananas are a fruit where it is edible in most any form, though taste infinitely better when they are still slightly green. they get that nice blandness and stiffness that is lost when it turns yellow and just eradicated once the banana gains brown spots. another case and point is pears. they suck when they're ripe when they become all mushy and have an aftertaste. compared that to a semi-ripe, nice, and crisp pear that is almost apple-like but with a different flavor.

so yeah, fruit should be eaten when fresh and not ripe. consequently, i'm all for fruit all the time. it is usually easy to eat (curse those evil tangerines with their many seeds and tough to peal skin, why can't they be like california oranges?), sugary, jam packed with those nutrients.

in general: fruit -> good
but: tangerines and peaches = not as good


last updated: thursday 2.7.2002

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