[Raising Fear by Armored Saint hits the speakers.  The sold out UWA audience begins to boo.  Nic Totopoulous then appears out from behind the curtain wearing his UWA Television title belt around his waist.  He is also wearing a vest and his regular wrestling tights.  He begins to walk down the ramp toward the ring.


He climbs up the steps and walks along the apron, then he climbs through the ropes and into the ring.  He walks over to the opposite side of the ring and sticks his hand through the ropes.  A member of the UWA ring crew hands him the microphone that he is demanding.  He walks back to the middle of the ring.  He puts the microphone to his mouth.  The music stops, and he begins to address the audience.]

First off, I'd like to make mention to a man by the name of Wall2K, if that is your real name.  Now Wall, you go around accusing people of stealing other people's spotlight.  Now Wall, I really don't have a problem with this.  I don't care what you think, or what anyone else thinks.  All I care about is what I think.  But, when what someone else says make absolutely no sense whatsoever, then I start to wonder.  This came up the other day.  I was listening to what you had to say Wall, and once again it was the same thing as usual, "P.U.N.K.S. sucks, k.W.o. is the greatest.  Blader is no good, Nic is okay but can't beat me.  Blader Skum is stealing Nic's spotlight...", and that's when it hit me.  Wall is trying something here, and I have spoken to Blader about it, and we find it quite amusing.  Wall is trying to split us up.  He is trying to get us to hate each other.  He wants us to be weak because of conflicts between us.  Why is this funny you ask?  Well, it's because of one simple reason, Wall2K is scared of P.U.N.K.S.  Wall is scared of the team of Blader Skum, and Nic Totopoulous.  He knows that when we are on the same page, neither he nor Sparky can stop us.  They just can't, and he finally sees it.  I know Wall that you put on a brave face, you tell people that P.U.N.K.S. just doesn't have what it takes, almost as if he is trying to convince himself that he and Sparky are better then Blader and I.  Well Wall, you just keep telling yourself that.  You just tell yourself that everything is going to be okay, because maybe if you think it enough it will come true.  Maybe if you convince all of these people out here that the k.W.o. is better than P.U.N.K.S., maybe it will come true.  Well, I'm sorry Wall, but it's not likely.  Actually no, I'm wrong.  It's not unlikely, it's impossible.  It is impossible for Sparky and Wall to beat myself and Blader.  Impossible I say.  So you listen to this Wall, this is a reality check for you my friend.  You can't beat us.  Just like you won't beat Blader at Injustice For All for the that title that you are taking care of right now.  That title belt that you are holding on to until Blader sees fit to take it away from you.  The UWA World Heavyweight Championship title belt.  I hope you clean it up.  Wax it up real nice, get it all shined up.  It will save Blader the trouble when he wins it from you.

Now Wall, I was listening to you talk some more, and you kept on going on about Blader keeping me down.  Blader isn't letting me get my chance at World Title gold.  He's stealing my spotlight.  Like I said before, you can say whatever you want Wall, but hypocrites drive me nuts.  They really do, and you my friend, are a hypocrite.  You said that it's not Blader's time to shine, but it's mine.  Now, how can it be mine if I can't even beat Blader right now?  I can sure as hell beat you, but I can't beat Blader, so who's time is it?  I think that would make it Blader's.  Blader is the one who is still in the tournament, not me.  Blader is the one who can beat you, well I guess I can too, but Blader is the one who deserves this shot.  He is wrestling better then he ever has.  Blader is at the top of his game, and is more focused than ever.  I'm not wrestling at my best.  I can do better.  Believe me, it is Blader's time.  As for him stealing my spotlight, it could be true.  You know, Blader for all I know might resent the fact that I am an up and coming star in the UWA.  Then again, so is Sparky.  What was that?  What did I say?  I said Sparky is going to be force some day in the UWA as well.  I think that it is you keeping people down.  I think that it is you know is stealing other people's spotlight.  I think it is Wall2K keeping down, and stealing the spotlight from Sparky Anderson.  I think that Wall2K is feeling a little threatened by Sparky right now, and Sparky is being kept down.  But this of course is simply my opinion.  This of course is only what I believe to be true.  I might be wrong though.  Maybe Wall holding the World Title and not giving Sparky a chance at it isn't holding him down.  Maybe I simply need glasses to see this situation a little more clearly.  But it's funny though, I have 20/20 vision.  I see perfectly, and I am never wrong.  I know what I see, and I see the end of the k.W.o. happening in the not so distant future.  I see Sparky overtaking Wall and winning the World Title.  I see Wall having a fit, demanding a title shot.  I then see Sparky gladly accepting, and then beating the piss out of Wall.  Now, do I sound like a hypocrite?  Do I sound like I'm trying to break up the k.W.o.?  Maybe I do, and maybe I'm trying to.  But really people, actions will speak louder than words.  And you will see that my predictions will come true, maybe.  It doesn't matter what I think, all I know is that P.U.N.K.S. will not lose to the k.W.o., plain and simple


As for a man they call Sparky Anderson, this guy has got to stop worrying about Mike Furious.  Geez man, you have a title match on Thursday.  I want you at your best man.  I don't want some guy in the ring thinking about other things.  Please concentrate.  This is important for you.  And I know that you think I'm the greatest because I've held the TV belt for so long, but right now it's the Tag belt I want more than anything.  Don't get me wrong though, this TV belt is staying around my waist, but I think adding more gold to my collection won't hurt.  And Sparky, if you wrestle better drunk like Wall says, the please feel free to go nuts.  So, that's it people.  Go back to eating hot dogs, or doing whatever you were doing before.  I am leaving.  Don't cry, I know you'll miss me, but please, it's okay, you'll see me again some other day.

[Raising Fear by Armored Saint hits the speakers.  Totopoulous drops the microphone.  He climbs through the ropes and out of the ring.  He walks back up the ramp to a hating audience.  He walks through the curtain and backstage.  The music stops and the show continues.]

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