Live Saturday May 31st, 2003 Coming at you from the United Center in Chicago, Illinois

World Title Match
Cage Match
Michael Edwards(c) vs. Nic Totopoulous

 We cut to the locker room of  Nic Totopoulous. We see Nic in his in ring attire, sitting across from his friend Joe, with a towel draped over his head. Nic, on the bench, has his head in his hands. He slowly brings it out, and looks over at Joe.

NT: It's that time Joe. Time for me to regain my belt.

J: Best of luck man

NT: Against a man like Edwards, that isn't needed.

Nic gets up from his bench, and walks out the door.

After watching Nic leave his locker room on his way to the ring, the scene switches now to the locker room of World Champion Michael Edwards. We see Edwards hugging his girlfriend Sarah Stratigas. He steps away from her, and then plants a kiss on her forehead.

ME: I'll be back in 10 minutes, I promise.

SS: Give Nic the beating he deserves Michael. No matter how long it takes.

Edwards nods slowly before he too exits his locker room.

We cut to ringside, with Kraig and Tim

KK: You know what's next Tim?

TD: Michael Edwards and Nic Totopoulous, in a cage!

KK: That's right, the match we've been waiting weeks to see! Let's go to ringside.

"Kickstart my Heart" hits over the loudspeaker, and out comes former TnT World Champion Nic Totopoulous. The crowd immediately breaks out into a loud chorus of boos. Nic looks around at them disappointed, then shrugs it off and begins to make his way down to the cage

RA: Ladies and Gentleman, weighing in at 274 pounds, from Ontario, Canada, NIC TOTOPOULOUS!!

Nic walks over to the cage door, and makes his way inside of it. Toppy walks over to the ropes, and begins to stretch on them, awaiting his opponent, Michael Edwards.

"My Way" hits, and the crowd explodes out of their feet for Michael Edwards. Edwards walks out onto the stage, wearing his World Title and looking straight ahead the whole time. Edwards stares right through the cage, and into the eyes of the man inside it, Nic Totopoulous. Nic notices the stare, and laughs. He motions for Edwards to come to the ring. Edwards nods and begins to walk toward the ring.

Michael Edwards reaches ringside, and begins to circle the cage. He finally stops at the door. Edwards looks in at Nic, who is crouched down waiting to attack. Edwards moves his eyes from Nic in the cage, to the cheering fans around him. Edwards smiles, sighs, gives the referee his belt, and then enters the cage!

KK: Here we go!

Just as Edwards gets into the ring, Nick tackles him backward into the cage side. The referee outside the cage locks the door, and then takes a seat at ringside to oversee the match.

TD: The cage is locked! Both men are on their own!

KK: That may be better for Nic. Rumor has it Edwards still has some reoccurring injuries from the cage match where he won the World Title, last month! Though those are just rumors..

TD: Is that White Thunder's excuse?

Nic Totopoulous picks up the fallen Michael Edwards, by his hair. Toppy grabs a hold of Edwards's hair, and begins to smash his head on the cage side. Edwards try's to land a right hand to Toppy in desperation, But Nic quickly blocks the attempt, by grabbing the arm, and pinning it to the cage as well. Nic let's go of Edwards, and the World Champion falls the the floor.

As Edwards lays on the mat, Nic Totopoulous begins to kick at his midsection with the bottom of his boot. Nic finally gets tired of kicking at him, and picks Edwards up, off the mat. Nic whips Edwards into the rope, Edwards turns and bounces back just to be smacked by the side of Nic Totopoulous boot. Edwards spirals back to the mat headfirst.

KK: Maybe he does have some injuries. Edwards's offense is non existent tonight. This could get nasty early..

TD: Maybe he's intimidated being in a cage again!

KK: Well one thing is for sure, Nic isn't!

Nic gets down on his knees, and takes a seat on Michael Edwards's back. Nic again grabs Edwards hair, and begins to beat his face into the mat. As he pulls Edwards up, we spot a red stain forming on the mat.

TD: Uh oh

Nic, noticing the stain as well, smiles, and then flips over Edwards to find crimson pouring from the World Champion's nostrils. Nic gets to his feet, and then drops a boot right on Edwards's nose, casing more blood to flow out. Toppy walks over to the ropes, and begins to climb the turnbuckle. He gets to the top, turns around, and jumps off the turnbuckle, splashing down on Michael Edwards.

Edwards jerks in shock, knocking Nic off him. Nic rolls over, and get on a knee quickly expecting Edwards to get to his feet. But he never does. Edwards just lays there, covered in blood.  Knowing that he may already have the belt in his hands, Nic smiles and begins to showboat a little in the ring. He stops, and then approaches Michael Edwards.

Nic grabs Edwards head, and brings him back to his feet, carefully, trying not to get blood on him. Now with Edwards on his feet, Nic picks him up over his back. Nic spins around in a circle for a second, before launching Edwards off his back. Edwards fly's through the air, before hitting the side of the cage, and crumbling to the floor.

KK: Oh man

TD: Nic is firmly in control of this one!

Nic goes over to the ropes where Edwards landed, he looks down at Edwards, and then begins to climb the cage right in front of Edwards!!

KK: Looks like this is over.

TD: Sure does

Nic, now halfway up the cage, looks down to see Michael Edwards still not moving. He smiles once again, and continues up the cage. We keep the camera on Nic, as he nears the top. Suddenly a rattle is heard, and the cage begins to shake. A shocked Nic Totopoulous is thrown from the cage, and falls to the ground with a hard thud.

KK: Was that an earthquake?

TD: No! Look!

Tim points at Michael Edwards, who has raised his foot onto the cage side!

TD: Edwards kicked the cage!

KK: You mean he's alive?

Michael Edwards begins to squirm around for a minute, before stopping. Nic Totopoulous begins to get to his feet, slowly. He reaches his feet, and begins to look around the ring, thinking that someone knocked him from the cage. He fails to find anyone. Nic now begins to make his way back over to where Michael Edwards lays. Nic grabs Edwards boot, and begins to twist it, looking for a submission move. Before Nic can lock it in, Edwards uses his boot to push Nic off him.

KK: He is alive!

Nic falls backward, but quickly gets back to his feet. His eyes grow wide, as just in front of him Michael Edwards makes his way to his feet. Edwards, now standing, stares hard at Nic Totopoulous. Nic jumps at him, trying for a clothesline, but Edwards swiftly moves out of the way. Nic stops, turns back around, and try's for a clothesline again, only to have id dodged, again, by Michael Edwards. Nic turns to face Edwards again, and this time is greeted by a Michael Edwards right hand, to the delight of the audience.

TD: That's his first offensive maneuver!

Edwards hits Nic with another right hand, then another, and finally sends the challenger to the mat with a big right uppercut. Edwards kneels down over the fallen Nic Totopoulous, and begins to drive his fist into the skull of Nic yet again. Edwards stops, and rises to his feet, bringing Toppy up with him. Edwards grabs Nic's arm , and tosses him into the turnbuckle. Edwards walks over to the turnbuckle, grabs Nic's arm again, and this time tosses him into the steel cage head first. Nic crumbles to the ground in a motion reminiscent to Edwards earlier.

KK: What is this? Michael Edwards manhandling Nic Totopoulous?

TD: Yea, but look at his face!

Edwards walks over to Nic, and begins to land some boots to Toppy's head, returning the favor from earlier in the match when Toppy busted Edwards nose wide open with a boot. Edwards now picks up Nic, and again throws him into a turnbuckle across the ring. Nic's back hits the turnbuckle, and just as it does, Michael Edwards takes off heading straight at Nic. Edwards spears Nic, who's sitting on the turnbuckle, forcing Toppy to flip up and over the ropes.

KK: Wow! What a collision!

TD: Well something had to give way. It was either Nic or that turnbuckle!

Edwards watches Toppy fall to the mat after the spear, and then makes his way over to the side of the cage. Edwards lifts one of his feet onto the steel, followed by the other. Little by little, Michael Edwards begins to climb his way to victory. Not even half way up now, Nic Totopoulous, in the ring, begins to stir. Seeing Edwards crawling pup the cage, Nic quickly gets to his feet, and begins to follow the World Champion up the cage. Fatigue begins to show on Michael Edwards as he begins to reach the top, with Nic Totopoulous now right behind him. Edwards right hand reaches the top of the cage, just as Nic Totopoulous's left hand grabs a hold of Edwards trunks. Nic uses the trunks to lift himself to the top of the cage as well. Edwards reaches over, and lands a blow to Nic's head. Nic wavers on the top of the cage, before firing a right hand back at Edwards. Edwards shakes off the blow, and raises his hand to punch Nic again, when Toppy grabs his arm and jerks backward causing Edwards to lose balance and begin to plummet back into the ring. Using his well refined instincts Edwards is able to grab hold of Nic's leg as he falls, bringing Nic down with him!! A sickening thud is heard, and then another, as Edwards and Toppy hit the mat!


TD: My god!

Silence falls over the crowd, as Nic Totopoulous and Michael Edwards lay still in the positions they landed in. Suddenly from the crowd, a "EDWARDS "EDWARDS" chant starts, and before you know it, the whole crowd is chanting for Edwards to get to his feet. Edwards jerks his leg, then his wrist, and finally sits up!

KK: OH MY GOD! After all he's taken tonight!

The crowd goes wild, as Edwards now makes his way fully to his feet. He walks over to the still unmoving Nic Totopoulous, and raises his foot to kick at him. With a burst of energy, Nic grabs Edwards foot before he can hit him with it, and spins it sideways, causing Edwards to lose his balance and fall to the ground. But the fall is short lived, as Michael Edwards quickly raises himself back to his feet. Just as he does, Nic Totopoulous does as well. The two men, both now standing, lock up in the middle of the ring, with Toppy coming away with a side headlock, and turns it into a neckbreaker on Michael Edwards.

Edwards takes the blow, and somehow manages to quickly get back to his feet. He turn to face Nic, and is immediately given a kick to the abdomen, forcing Edwards to double over in pain. Nic circles around Edwards, before picking him up over his head. With Edwards feet on his shoulder, Nic walks over to a cage wall, and in powerbomb like fashion, throws Edwards against the cage. Edwards back smacks against the steel cage, before the World Champion falls to the floor in a heap

KK: Looks like all of Edwards momentum is about gone

TD: As is he chance to keep the belt. Nic has been the better wrestler all night.

Nic walks over to Edwards, and as he has done most of the night, picks him up off the ground. Nic nails Edwards with a right hand, before lifting him up again, and hitting him with a suplex. Nic makes his way to the turnbuckle, and begins to climb to the top of it. He reaches the top, just as Michael Edwards reaches his feet. Nic fly's off the turnbuckle, hitting Edwards with a missile drop kick, sending Edwards right back down to the mat.

Nic gets back up to his feet, and picks up Michael Edwards with him. Nic takes Edwards over to the side of the cage. Nic grabs Edwards head, and slams it into the side of the cage. Nic then repeats the action a total of 7 times, as new blood begins to run down Michael Edwards face! Nic picks up Edwards, and sets him on the turnbuckle, before climbing up the turnbuckle himself. Nic puts Michael Edwards into a chinlock, and then flips off the turnbuckle with his butt hitting the mat just as Edwards bloodied head hits his shoulder. Nic quickly gets to his feet, and stands over Michael Edwards. He watches as more blood oozes out of the pores of the World Champion. Nic breaks off into laughter before giving Edwards one last boot to the face.

KK: This is over

TD: It was Nic's night. He was by far, the better man

Nic walks over to the cage side, and begins to climb it for a third time. Nic gets halfway up the cage..

Edwards doesn't move..

Nic nears the top of the cage..

Edwards lays still.

Finally Nic Totopoulous, drapes one leg over the top of the cage. He stops and stares down at Michael Edwards, who still fails to flinch. Nic's eyes begin to widen as a "What the hell" looks comes onto his face. Nic brings his leg back over the cage, and then fly's off with his head smacking into the heart of Michael Edwards.

KK: That was uncalled for!

TD: Your right, isn't that Jonny Fly's move?

KK: Is it?

Edwards screams out in pain, curling himself up into a ball trying to shake the pain in his stomach after that blow from the top of the cage. Nic gets to his feet, and again watches Edwards scream in pain. Nic walks over to the cage, and minutes later comes to a stop of the opposite side. The referee walks over to Nic, and presents him with the TnT World Title.

KK: Nic got his gold back!

TD: Look who it is!

Sarah Stratigas comes running down the ramp. She asks for the cage to be opened. The cage is opened, and Sarah runs in, to Edwards aid. Nic Totopoulous begins to walk back up the ramp, watching the scene unfold in front of him. Sarah gets Edwards to sit up, and as he does, he begins to stare at the retreating Nic Totopoulous with his new World Title in tow. Nic stares back into the bloody eyes of Michael Edwards before mouthing the words "Bye-Bye Edwards" and turning to head backstage.

KK: Well that will do it! Another PPV in the books, and another World Champion.

TD: We'll see you next week on Mayhem!

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