January 25th, 2001

Hello Everyone! My life has really slowed down this week so I really don't have alot to say this week. I'll try to make it short and sweet. I've been sick for most of the past week, but I'm feeling much better now and I'm ready to take things to the next level.
I didn't witness it but on Tuesday my friend, and fellow AWF wrestler, Michelle St. John injured her left arm in the ring. I just want to wish her a speedy recovery and return to the ring. I hope to see you back soon at 100% Michelle.
My Movie Of The Week is "American Graffiti" with Richard Dreyfuss and Ron Howard. It's just a fun movie to watch with an awesome cast. Everybody should see it.
Now everyone knows I'm a huge movie buff, which is why I post my Movie Of The Week, but seeing how I'm a pro wrestler I've decided to also have a Match Of The Week. I'm sure some weeks it will be really hard to pick a Match Of The Week, but this week it is very clear what was the best match. That match is Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho in a ladder match from the WWF's Royal Rumble. It was a very different kind of ladder match than what we have seen before. Watching two of Canada's finest do inhumane things to each other with a ladder is a sight to be seen. It was just an awesome match and the Royal Rumble ppv was an awesome show overall. By the way, in my predictions for the Royal Rumble I was correct on 3 out of 5. Not bad eh?
Well I hope everyone has a good week and I'll check back in with another commentary soon. Laterz.

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