                             March 30th, 2002

Hello Everyone. I'm sorry that there was no commentary last week. And I'm sorry that I didn't get this commentary up yesterday like I had said. Yesterday I was too busy removing all links to my Merchandise page that were on this site. There will be no Merchandise page until I get a P.O. box sometime later. Too many people have been finding out where I live and basically stalking me. There's phone calls and people parking outside my house and then speeding away when somebody looks out the window. If you are one of these people, you need to realize something. When I'm away from the ring or not doing a public appearance or anything, I'm a regular guy. I have a private life and I like it when people respect my privacy. If you feel badly about this, you can always e-mail me and apologize LOL. Be like a normal person and leave your name LOL. But yeah, I'll get a P.O. box sometime and then my Merchandise page will be put back up. But I think I'm only going to put it back up if enough people actually want to buy something. And also, when it's back up I'll have more than just autographed pictures you'll be able to buy. Hopefully there will be compilation video tapes of my matches for sale too. And maybe even t-shirts. All are being thought of. It will all be by demand though, so if you are interested in buying certain products, e-mail me and let me know.

Since I didn't get a commentary up last week, I have two Matches Of The Week. My Match Of The Week for last week was The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan from WWF Wrestlemania X8. No, it wasn't a technical masterpiece, but it was something special, and years from now when people talk about Wrestlemania X8 that is the match that will be remembered. My Match Of The Week for this week is The Rock, Hulk Hogan, and Kane vs. Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and X-Pac. Kane looked better than I've seen him in a long, long time. His character was actually refreshing and he worked hard. I don't know what caused it, but I hope he keeps it up.

Well, since I last wrote a commentary, I've wrestled in 3 matches. First of all, a battle royal. This battle royal actually turned into the funnest battle royal I've ever been in.  Then I wrestled for the IPW Tag Titles with my partner Draven against Validus & T.K. Owens. I didn't win, but it was one of the best matches I ever had. It was a good match. It's probably the second best match I've been in, and definitely the best tag match I've been in. Then later on in the night, T.K. Owens and I wrestled in a non-scheduled match. I ended up defeating him. I was quite happy with the evening, cause during a lot of the other matches the fans were chanting "Psycho" and these were matches I had nothing to do with! LOL.

A lot of interesting things are coming up for me. Big Matches. I will write more about everything next week. I hope everyone has a great Easter weekend! Laterz.

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