                             March 15th, 2002

Hello Everyone. Wrestlemania is this Sunday. But I'm sure I don't need to tell all of you that. If you didn't know that this Sunday is Wrestlemania then you aren't a real wrestling fan. And if you don't like wrestling, then I have one question for you. Why are you here at my site and reading this commentary? LOL.

I wanted to have a lot of Wrestlemania tidbits to share with you to get you excited for Wrestlemania in this commentary, since the WWF hasn't done a very good job of building up this year's Wrestlemania on their programs. However, I didn't get around to doing all of the research I wanted to for this commentary. I started a little late, I guess, and I ran out of time. I've been so busy lately. I hardly have any free time to myself anymore. And I've been training hard for my matches coming up.  I'll try to make this commentary something interesting though.

My Match Of The Week is Jeff Hardy vs. Bradshaw vs. Billy vs. Bubba Ray Dudley from WWF Smackdown. I'm not saying it was a great match. It wasn't even a good match, really. But unfortunately, it was the best match that I saw this week. Kind of sad considering this is the week before Wrestlemania. The WWF has really dropped the ball this past year. First they dropped the ball with the Invasion angle. And then the NWO started off good, but it hasn't exactly lived up to hype yet in my opinion. Then they dropped the ball with Triple H's return. Don't get me wrong, they did a hell of a job promoting his return and getting people excited for it. But they didn't really put him in any interesting angles yet. And the whole divorce angle with him and Stephanie has been horrible. They dropped the ball with pairing Stephanie with Chris Jericho. They didn't take advantage of their past *AT ALL*. It's now apparent, Jericho was much better off without Stephanie in his corner. And they've dropped the ball on this Hulk Hogan vs. The Rock match at Wrestlemania. They started it great with that first confrontation they had the night after No Way Out, but since then what has happened? Nothing. And the whole Wrestlemania buildup has just been horrible. This is the biggest event of the year for crying out loud! And having a dog getting run over is the best way they can think of to build up to the Undisputed WWF World Title match at Wrestlemania?? If WWF doesn't watch it they are going to end up like WCW. Yep, that's right. I said it. Except nobody will be in a position to buy WWF. Something needs to be done. It's sad. I'm sorry. I didn't even mean to talk about any of that in this commentary. I just got going and couldn't stop LOL. I was actually going to rant on something completely different this week, but I think I've done enough ranting for one commentary. Maybe I'll write about that on the message board sometime between now and Wrestlemania.

Seeing as how there have been 17 Wrestlemanias so far, I have made a list of what I consider to be the 17 best Wrestlemania matches ever. These are not based on drama or anything like that. It's simply just the best matches. Workrate counts here. I'll start with #17 and work my way up to the best Wrestlemania match. Here they are:

17. The Brainbusters vs. Strike Force - Wrestlemania V
16. Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho "Euro-Continental Title Match" - Wrestlemania 2000
15. Shawn Michaels vs. Steve Austin - Wrestlemania XIV
14. Hulk Hogan vs. Ultimate Warrior - Wrestlemania VI
13. Randy Savage vs. Hulk Hogan - Wrestlemania V
12. Roddy Piper vs. Bret Hart - Wrestlemania VIII
11. Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit - Wrestlemania X-Seven
10. Ric Flair vs. Randy Savage - Wrestlemania VIII
9. Ultimate Warrior vs. Randy Savage "Retirement Match" - Wrestlemania VII
8. Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels "Iron Man Match" - Wrestlemania XII
7. The Rock vs. Steve Austin - Wrestlemania X-Seven
6. The Dudley Boyz vs. Edge & Christian vs. The Hardy Boyz "Ladder Match" - Wrestlemania 2000
5. Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart - Wrestlemania X
4. Dudley Boyz vs. Edge & Christian vs. The Hardy Boyz "TLC II" - Wrestlemania X-Seven
3. Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels "Ladder Match" - Wrestlemania X
2. Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin "Submission Match" - Wrestlemania XIII
And the #1 Best Match in Wrestlemania History Is.......

#1. Randy Savage vs. Ricky Steamboat - Wrestlemania III
Duh, Like you didn't know! LOL

Here are also this year's Wrestlemania X-8 Predictions:

Chris Jericho vs. Triple H "Undisputed WWF World Title Match"
Prediction - Triple H (Although I want very badly for Chris Jericho to win this one)

Hulk Hogan vs. The Rock
Prediction - Hulk Hogan (I think he has to for this whole NWO thing to work unless somebody returns to help The Rock win.....Shawn Michaels? Bret Hart? Nah....)

Steve Austin vs. Scott Hall
Prediction - Steve Austin

Ric Flair vs. The Undertaker "No D.Q. Match"
Prediction - The Undertaker (As much as I'd like to see Flair win this one, I think The Undertaker will raise his record to 10-0 at Wrestlemania. You just don't beat The Undertaker at Wrestlemania!)

William Regal vs. Rob Van Dam "I.C. Title Match"
Prediction - Rob Van Dam (This one could go either way I think, but I'm thinking Van Dam is going to take this one and go on to a lengthy title reign.)

Billy & Chuck vs. The APA vs. The Hardy Boyz vs. The Dudley Boyz "Four Way WWF Tag Team Title Match"
Prediction - Billy & Chuck (They are simply the more entertaining team of the four right now.)

Kurt Angle vs. Kane
Prediction - Kurt Angle (This one could be the sleeper hit. I don't expect it to be the best match on the card, but I do think it will be very solid. Angle seems to bring out the best in Kane. And could Pete Rose make a return to get his revenge on Kane? I hope so!)

Edge vs. Booker T
Prediction - Edge (I forgot to rant on this match earlier. I won't start now, but this buildup is even worse than for Jericho/Triple H. I think it could be a good match though. Edge wins in his hometown of Toronto I say.)

Dallas Page vs. Christian "European Title Match"
Prediction - Christian

Jazz vs. Trish Stratus vs. Lita "WWF Women's Title Match"
Prediction - Trish Stratus (I'm probably going to be wrong with at least one of these predictions in giving the natives of Canada the win, but I just see it happening.)

The buildup might have been horrible, but just writing this commentary has got me excited for Wrestlemania on Sunday. The show has a great chance of being excellent and if it is, I don't think we'll remember too much of the crap that took place leading into this show. If you want to get yourself really psyched for Wrestlemania or you just want to read more you can go to either
Online Onslaught's Road To Wrestlemania X-8 feature or go to, and either of those should have PLENTY of what you're looking for. Both are packed with everything you could possibly want to know about Wrestlemania.
Well, that's all for this week. I think I've provided quite a bit for you to read about here. In fact, I think has been the longest commentary in quite a while. I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you all enjoy Wrestlemania X-8 on Sunday. We are also one week away from IPW's March 22nd show in Ogden, Utah. So I will not be getting up a new commentary until the day after. Let's hope I return to you a newly crowned champion of some kind. Laterz.


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