January 18th, 2001

Hello Everybody! I've had quite the week again. There are a few very big things that will be happening to yours truly, and as soon as I make sure that they are for sure happening I will pass that information on to you guys. You guys are what keep me motivated, and without you fans out there nothing would be possible for me, and I wouldn't be doing this. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart and I hope you continue to support me.
Now I always try to give my fans what they want and sometimes it surprises me what my fans want to hear about from me. Last week I tried to not talk about my breakup that much, because I thought my fans wanted to hear more about my wrestling than my love life. Well, it looks like I was wrong, because my fans have sent me e-mails wanting to know more about the breakup, and it looks like they want answers. I will try not to dissapoint you. I will not reveal the girl's name, however I can assure you that she is not in the wrestling business. We have known each other for the past 3 1/2 years, although we did not become a "couple" until late 1999, and we were together off and on from that point. How come we broke up this last and final time? I'm not sure I really know the exact answer to that one. I guess we just weren't meant to be. I'd hate to try and speculate why things fell apart. I'm still hoping the girl for me is out there, and that I'll find her. I hope this answers your questions. I know some of you may want to know more, but I really did answer your questions the best I could. I kind of just want to put it behind me now and move on. I hope you all understand. Thanks.
Now I know alot of you people visit my site and you don't sign my guestbook or post on my message board. I strongly urge you to at least sign my guestbook. I would like to know who my fans are and where they are located in the world. Come on, people, let's get more involved and make this site as fan interactive as I know it can be.
My Movie Of The Week is "What Women Want" with Mel Gibson and Helen Hunt. I only wish I could read women's thoughts, cause it's become pretty obvious to me that I have NO idea what women want. Well, anyways, it's a good movie and I reccomend it. The only thing that bugged me is that it moves a little slowly in the beginning, but other than that, it's a good movie.
I thought since the WWF's Royal Rumble PPV is this weekend I'd end with some quick predictions, so here they are:

Kurt Angle vs. Triple H "WWF Title Match"
prediction - Triple H

Royal Rumble
prediction - Steve Austin

Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho "Ladder match for the IC title"
prediction - Chris Benoit

Edge and Christian vs. The Dudley Boyz "WWF Tag Title Match"
prediction - Dudley Boyz

Ivory vs. Chyna "WWF Women's Title Match"
prediction - Ivory

Well, I hope everyone enjoys the Royal Rumble if they watch it, and we'll see how accurate my predictions are. Laterz.

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