                             October 12, 2001

Hello Everyone. I actually have a lot on my mind but I'm not sure how much of it I'll really talk about here. So I'll just start writing here and we'll see what comes out.

My Movie Of The Week is "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington", starring James Stewart. This is an absolute classic. I loved this movie ever since the first time I watched it in a class in high school, although I don't remember what class that was for. But that's not the point. Everyone should see this movie. It's pretty powerful.

My Match Of The Week is Kurt Angle vs. Steve Austin from WWF Raw. Honorable mention goes out to X-Pac vs. Kidman from WWF Smackdown. I really enjoyed WWF wrestling this week. Raw was really good, but I liked Smackdown better. They just have to keep putting on shows like this past week and the ratings will go up again. Good wrestling matches and bringing back the "anything can happen in the WWF" attitude will be what brings the fans back. Did I not predict that Chris Jericho would turn heel? Ok, so he hasn't turned full-fledged heel yet, but it's slowly happening. I've been predicting a heel turn for Jericho for quite a while now. I kept getting proved wrong, so I didn't know if it was going to happen. They need to put him and Stephanie together for the heel turn to really hit home with fans though. That's my opinion. Ya know, I think I'm going to be commenting on weekly happenings in the WWF and other promotions more often in my commentaries. That way I'll always have something to talk about. And then maybe my commentaries will be on time more often too.

I am thinking of a few more new ideas for my site though. What do you fans think of maybe a timeline of my wrestling career's most important moments being put on this site? And maybe a page for movie quotes on here too? I want to come up with things to make this site more interesting and keep you coming back more than once a week but I'm not sure on what will do that. I'd love to hear what you fans think. You can voice your opinions in the message board or you can e-mail me and let me know what you think.  I look forward to your thoughts on this.

Tomorrow I am wrestling Derek Vineyard and it should be different than any other match I've wrestled before. Every time up until now I've been wrestling guys who were giants compared to me. Now, I'm wrestling somebody who doesn't weigh all that much more than me at all. But that also means that the fans might be seeing me do things in this match that I didn't have the chance to do when I was wrestling larger opponents. One other thing that is different about this match is that I never have wrestled somebody who dared mess with Pookins! He will pay.

Ya know, this commentary is already longer than I thought it was going to be and most of the stuff I've talked about this week I didn't even plan on talking about. I have so much more on my mind but I will deliver some of those thoughts to you in next week's commentary. Writing this commentary is now a great form of therapy for me LOL. As long as I've got problems you should plan on this commentary being on time or close to it from now on. What problems, you ask? Hey, I talk to a stuffed bear and actually think he's alive.......not that there's anything wrong with that! It's other wrestlers who think I'm crazy and that's where my problem lies. Need I say more? That's it for this week. Laterz.


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