

Master ninja and fingerpainter.

me my goods my habits
I am: a man
Looking for: a woman
Interested In: friendship
serious relationship
Age: 22
Location: Amherst, Massachusetts
Area Code: 413
Occupation: Superhero Ninja (and Friendly's cook)
Education: college
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Religion: Buddhist
Star Sign: Aquarius
Relationship Status: Single
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 190 lbs
Hair color: brown
Eye color: All Seeing Hazel
Cigarettes: never
Booze: never
Drugs: never
Self-deprecation: never
you your goods your habits
Age: 18 - 24
Height: 4'11" - 5'11"
Weight: 95 - 170
Cigarettes: never
Booze: never
Drugs: never
Self-deprecation: never
the tip of my iceberg
Last great book I read:
'Taijutsu : Ninja Art of Unarmed Combat'
(and for fun: 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Exposed'- oh Michaelangelo, you crazy turtle you!)
Most humbling moment:
When I was chasing an evil-doer and yelled, 'Stop, or I'll throw my spluiken at you!' and he turned around and corrected me in front of like, 20 people! Stupid Japanese weapons! Why can't they call it star-thingy? I gave him a solid thrashing with my kazana sword for his insolence.
Favorite on-screen sex scene:
Anything involving Steven Seagal. Okay, not really.
Celebrity I resemble most:
It's hard to tell with my Camouflage Mask Of Imminent Destruction on, but I look a lot like Hayden Christensen.
Best (or worst) lie I've ever told:
My legs taste like chicken.
If I could be anywhere at the moment:
Honing my Ninja skills- with Virtua Fighter 4 at my local arcade.
Song or album that puts me in the mood:
'Everybody Was Kung Fu Fightin'...no, just a little joke there. As a Ninja, I'm a spiritual type of guy, so really anything Yanni and I'm good to go.
The five items I can't live without:
My Frognobi suit
Ice cream sandwiches
Pre moistened towelettes
Night vision contacts
Pepper spray
Fill in the blanks:
Chuck Norris is sexy; Michelle Yeoh is sexier.
In my bedroom, you'll find:
Newspaper clippings of me saving people from danger, newspaper clippings of me failing to save people from danger (we all have our bad days), my Amherst bus pass, my famous 'Finger Paint Sonata' which used to hang in the Museum of Modern Art before they replaced it with a multi-colored urinal exhibit, and of course, my Friendly's uniform. Even a Ninja needs to pay the bills.
why you should get to know me
I'm proof that with perserverance and martial arts training, anyone can rise above their station in life. I was born in a scary alley in downtown Cincinnati and abandoned by my mother who turned out to have severe retrograde amnesia. Yeah, like that Memento guy. After finding my Ninja calling when I watched Karate Kid, I've gone on to live a happy life. I'm a well-adjusted crime fighter and I prepare really good sundaes at Friendly's. I can't tell you who to ask for, but if you get the sundae that tastes like warm summer memories, that's me.
more about who I'm looking for
I'm looking for someone to come home to that I can share my Frognobi exploits with. Being a Ninja is really high stress, and one can only confide in pet fish for so long. I want someone who will do Yoga with me, appreciates Yanni, and really loves old Batman reruns.
You should have a talent for screaming, so in case you are kidnapped in the night I can hear you and chase after your captors.

(This nerve personal brought to you by: fruitcake)

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