This is the infamous JimBoJangles!

Jim at his Mom's wedding in February 2001.

Here's a sexy pic of him in a tux at his Prom.('98)

Here's one of Jim just hanging out at a friend's house.

This pic was taken in a friend's dorm room at Monmouth College.

Another pic of him in the dorm room.

Here's a pic of Jim and Megan in the dorm room.

Here's a picture of Jim (center) w/ his friends Matt and Tim! (guess where they are? give up? MEGAN'S PARTY!)

Jim at the bowling alley.

Jim, Mary, and Tim (in background giving Jim bunny ears) at the bowling alley.

I am currently trying to get my sh!t together and get more pix up here, but I can only do so much at one time. So be patient, and I should have some *new* pix soon and I'll post them here!!

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