College Friends Quiz!!
Graham is:
a) a philosopher
b) a volcano of rage and hidden bitterness  ready to explode at any moment
c) a pretty nice guy, actually
Edgar is:
a) an honorary resident of the third floor
b) immune to viruses
c) actually named Tauwan
Jemima is:
a) Hispanic
b) frequently called Jem-eye-mah
c) a Classics major
Dave is:
a) shy
b) humble
c) from New York
Sam is:
a) a big fan of hydrology
b) the world's leading expert on phallic imagery in the Sonnets
c) also the name of a bear
Zach is:
a) studying to be a chiropractor
b) a jockey
c) Combusto the Plague-Bearer
Peter is:
a) Native American
b) Native Barbarian
c) high on life
Michael is:
a) from Utah
b) the heir to an electric company fortune
c) all legs
Roman has not:
a) considered drinking Windex as a substitute for blue Gatorade
b) used Saran-Wrap as a shower cap
c) given himself a concussion by swinging on the pipes
d) yet won in Risk
Charlotte is currently:
a) wondering where she's gonna run to now
b) a Sleep major with a minor in Procrastinatory Studies
c) growing
d) not writing a paper...
1. c        2. a           3. b         4. c       5. c  
6. c        7. a           8. c         9. d     10. d
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