Such is Life

Disclaimer: All characters belong to Constance M Burge, etc, and I in no way, shape or form own or have any rights to any of them. Unfortunately.

Authors note: A piece written to help me through my latest bout of writers block. I needed to write something, and none of my regular fics were biting, so this is what was produced.

Such is Life

Leo orbed silently into his son's nursery and stepped silently over to the crib, where he stopped, gazing adoringly down at Wyatt. The infant-not asleep at all, to Leo's surprise- gurgled happily and held up his arms to his daddy. Leo smiled and complied with his son's wishes, scooping him out of the crib and cuddling him close.

These silent visits to the nursery were precious to Leo and there was no other thing he could think of that he treasured more. They were what he looked forward to, every moment he was away and could not spend here with his beautiful son. It saddened him somewhat that theses short, snatched moments were the highlights of his life now, when he had before had so many joys.

Oh, he knew that his role as an Elder was important. He knew that he was needed far more Up-There than he currently was down on Earth. But to give up his family hurt him far more than he had let on to anyone. These visits made the pain more pronounced, but at the same time also lessened it, reassuring him that his son was fine. Although he knew Piper would never let anything happen to Wyatt. Leo still retained hopes that someday the three of them would be together again as a family. But that day- if it came- was still far off.

Leo stroked the pale hair on Wyatt's head, marvelling at how soft and fine it was to his touch. And wondering at the features on his beautiful baby's face. Parts were unmistakably inherited from Piper, others obviously from Leo himself. But these similarities melded themselves to create a new being. A child who at the same time shared the features of his parents, and was nothing like either. It struck Leo, not for the first time, just how miraculous this child, his son, was.

Wyatt snuggled in his father's arms, totally oblivious to the thoughts he was provoking. Leo settled happily in to the rocking chair and settled Wyatt in his arms. He gently rocked the chair, soothing both himself and Wyatt with the motion. He knew that all too soon this moment would end and he would have to leave. Then he would have to watch his son form afar, until the next time he could snatch a quiet visit. That was the way things were for him now. And much as he wished otherwise, he knew he could not change them.

The father and son sat silently, the gentle rocking motion eventually lulling Wyatt into a deep sleep. It happened all too soon for Leo, but his heart glowed with love as he watched the peaceful innocence on his son's face. He knew that he should leave before Wyatt stirred again and someone came to check on him.

He carried the sleeping infant back to his crib and gazed down at him for a few moments longer, feeling his heart tug at the knowledge that he was leaving his child.

"I'll come back soon," Leo whispered, brushing Wyatt's baby-soft cheek with his fingertips.

His head was filled with love for his son, and his heart was heavy as he orbed out. All he had lost for this role as an Elder weighed on him. His wife, his son, his sisters-in-law. He knew, though he didn't want to, that things would never return to how they had been. No matter how much he wished they would.

"Such is life," he murmured to himself, "such is life."

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