Mom's Bread Recipe

6 1/2 - 7  Cup flour
2 1/4 Cup warm water
1 envelope yeast
1 Tablespoon Salt
3 Tablespoons sugar
3 Tablespoons cooking oil

Put warm water in a large bowl and sprinkle yeast over it. Let set for a few minutes and then stir to dissolve. Add the salt, sugar and oil. Stir to disolve and let set for 5 minutes to let yeast activate. Add some flour and stir well. Add enough flour to be able to knead the dough. On well floured surface knead the dough for about 10 minutes. Put dough in bowl and let rise until doubled in size. Divide dough in two and knead again. Put the dough in greased bread pans and let rise till double in size again.
Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

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