I was born in Medan on 7th Sept 1986. I'm 170's cm, 50's kg, slim, black hair, black-brown eyes, sharp nose, sharp chin, and oval face. And I'm a hybrid of Chinese-Indonesian. So you can easily find me in Archi200 of Housing. Building and Planning, University Science Malaysia.

I'm the oldest son in my family and I have 1 brother,1 sister. Both of my parents still alive but I only have 1 more pair of grandparents. I've a band in Medan, called "PIZZA HUNT", and it's a bit famous in Medan now.

I'm very attractive and funny (I dunno, but some girls said that, some not). I love music, singing, basketball, swimming, hang-out, movies, and so on. I do like technologies too such as computer and games. I like alternatives, brit-pop, and emo music. And I already wrote some songs for my band. Contact me if u want to hear it.

Thanks for read my profile, I hope you enjoy surfing my website



Last Edited 14/01/2007 15:11

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