You Know You�re Obsessed with Buffy/Spike when...

You dream about Buffy/Spike almost every night
And if you don�t dream about it randomly, you make yourself dream about it
All your fan fiction is centered on Buffy/Spike
You make plans to save all of the Buffy/Spike pictures out there
You have a Buffy/Spike website
Whenever you see Angel and Buffy making out on screen you start punching the TV,
cursing at it, and when you�re done yelling at it you turn the channel
You think Buffy/Spike will be together forever
You make Buffy/Spike wallpapers and are opposed to any other kind
of shipper art that involves those two characters with someone else
You start talking about Buffy/Spike out of nowhere
You have converted a Buffy/Angel shipper to a Buffy/Spike shipper
You get in arguments with people who attack Buffy/Spike
You�re not friends with Buffy/Angel shippers because you think they�ll poison your mind
You have Buffy/Spike posters in your room
You only make Buffy/Spike manipulations that make them look happy together
You draw pictures of Buffy/Spike together
You�ve never saved a Buffy/Riley or Buffy/Angel picture
You pretend that B/A never happened
You pretend that Buffy/Riley never happened
You despise Riley and Angel
You want Angel with anyone else other than Buffy
You gasped and cheered when Buffy and Spike kissed in �OMWF�
You�ve made a CD with all the songs that remind you of Buffy/Spike
You�ve video-capped the end of �Tabula Rasa� many, many times
You smile whenever Buffy and Spike are on the screen together, even if they�re fighting
You write Buffy/Spike quotes all over your notebooks at school
You cried at the end of �As You Were�
You watch Buffy/Spike fan videos over and over and never get sick of them
You get mad at people who convert from Buffy/Spike to Buffy/Angel
Your desktop is always Buffy/Spike
When Buffy says something horrible to Spike you make her say something nice to him in your head
You�re proud to be obsessed with Buffy and Spike
You screamed, �YESSSSSS!� at the end of �Smashed�
You will forever be a Buffy/Spike shipper
Obsession List Created By Niblet
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