My B/S Poll
Will Spike be more Romantic now that He has a soul?

Yes, I know he will be and I am really looking forward to it!
No, he will still be the same
I hope he is, but I doubt it
I really hope he won't be, but I think he will be

Do you think Spike went to Africa to get a coul or get his chip out?

I think he went to get a soul, He wanted to be what Buffy needed
I think he reallly wanted his chip out, because he was so surprised he the guy gave him a soul
I think he wanted both
I'm not sure

Will Buffy forgive Spike for what he did to her?

Yes he will, She loves him and really can't live without him, so yes.
No, She will never forgive him
I wish she wouldn't forgive him, but I am thinking she will
I was hoping she would, but I don't think she will
I don't know
I don't care

Will Buffy ever admit that she loves Spike?

She doesn't, so why would she?
Yes she will, when she finds out that he was a soul now
I really hope she will, But I don't think she will.
I hope she won't, but I know she will.
I don't know
I don't care

If Buffy and Spike get back together, how will they do it?

She will come and try to find him, and she will admit that she loves him.
She will beg her to take him back, and she finally will.
Something will happen to Buffy, and Spike will take care of her, and she will fall in love with him.
I don't know
I don't care

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