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The gba sp
the gba SP is approximately half the width of the GBA when closed, roughly the height of a gameboy colour opened.The clamshell design also protects the screen from scratches and dust.Due to form the factor limitations, nintendo removed the headphone jack, which had been included on all previous gameboy models. Headphones can only be attached with an optitional adapter that plugs into the same port as the charger/AC adapter.It can only be found at nintendos North Americas online store, and is available for purchase in brick and mortar stores in Japan and Europe.
The gba

The gameboy advance (GBA) is a handheld video games console developed, manufactured and marketed by nintendo.The GBA was released in japan on march 21 2001, , in North America.
In Europe it was released on June 11th, 2001.
And in China June 8th 2004.
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